On Wed, 30 Aug 2006 17:22:33 +0200, brian d foy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In article
Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can someone explain me why is the source code of learn.perl.org (and
the other *.perl.org site) not publicly accessible?

Sure it's acessible. That's how you get to see it. When you view the
site. you're downloading the source.

Is this supposed to be funny? You know what they ment.

Looks like you are realy pissed on Shlomi Fish ... While without looking at the archives I can't get whole picture - with what I've seen so far (ussual way life works - isn't it) you seem to be the bad guy.

I'll leave any other comment untill after I checked the archives - and will try to be constructive now.

The whole point is that site (learn.perl.org) get's lot of visitors (I hope so) since it's linked from many places - but all that is wasted since site content isn't maintained. At least it looks like that to me (and others it seems).

Since I was most likely beginner more recently than you folks (started learning Perl some 3 - 4 years ago) I think my counts more than yours. The learn.perl.org website is not a very good site for a beginner. While it gives some very good references, beginners need more hand-holding sort to say.

I still haven't found a single site that was realy good for beginners. Best thing I found was Perl forum on DevShed - but you can't count that.

It is folish to expect from a beginner to read perldoc or similar. I tried that - and it didn't had much sence to me untill I learned at least some Perl basics. Only after that it started making sence.

Exception to that is the tutorials section that seems to be underexposed as I haven't discovered it at first.

My view of a site for Perl is one that:

- would look good in means of Web 2.0 style - minimal but eyecatching design (python.org), - advocate Perl (again python.org - right hand column you see "NASA uses python" ...) - have content same/similar as perldoc tutorials - but only much more of it, that would cover everything from introduction to programming (using Perl of course) to bag-of-tricks from professionals. - would accept content submisions from people not directly involved with the site - with of course some sort of administration before it's published

I see no reason why such a site couldn't integrate with Perl's documentation so that effort put in it could be recycled.

Best regards,
Aleksandar Petrović

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