On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 04:22:07PM +0100, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 09:09:48AM -0600, Andy Lester wrote:
> >
> > If you're trying to make things happen, I'd suggest that there are far  
> > better ways than insulting hostility.
> Speaking of things happening, I was wondering why the following
> information:
>     http://www.hsyndicate.org/news/4039070.html
> was not yet relayed on the usual Perl info channels (use.perl, perlbuzz,
> perlfoundation, etc).
> Disclaimer: I work for Booking.com.

Disclaimer the second: Perl news are happening so fast that the use perl
post went below my viewing window.

I'll now shut up in shame.

 Philippe Bruhat (BooK)

 Few things in life are so dependable as the incompetence of those who know
 precisely what they are doing.   (Moral from Groo The Wanderer #5 (Pacific))

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