Would this be possible of we change to the new Ads Api? When we first 
delete and then readd a criterion we lose track of data. Is there any 
solution to do this automaticly without the Ads Frontend Applikation?

Regards, Marco
adsapiforumadvisor schrieb am Donnerstag, 20. August 2020 um 19:25:35 UTC+2:

> Hi Marco,
> The example I provided previously shows how to add both a keyword and 
> negative keyword. The field criterionUse 
> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201809/AdGroupCriterionService.AdGroupCriterion?hl=en#criterionuse>
> is read only. If you are trying to convert a criteria from biddable to 
> negative, you will need to remove it then re-add it.
> Regards,
> Anthony
> Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q23L3lW:ref

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