I thought you guys were kidding about some off-label use of an Avon skin 
lotion, but apparently this is for real.  If you look up the active ingredient 
in Wikipedia it lists other repellants including one I think from the UK called 




From: AF <af-boun...@af.afmug.com> On Behalf Of Daniel White
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2019 9:19 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <af@af.afmug.com>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT tis the season


They call it out right in the description too:


Find yourself an Avon lady Chuck :-)



Daniel White

Co-Founder - Business Development & Operations

direct: +1 (702) 470-2766


Lewis Bergman wrote on 5/8/19 19:58:

Avon skin so soft. No idea if they still sell it but when I was in the USMC it 
repelled everything from jungles, swamps, and dessert.


On Wed, May 8, 2019, 7:32 PM Chuck McCown <ch...@wbmfg.com 
<mailto:ch...@wbmfg.com> > wrote:

Every year, the biting midge flies come out.  Miserable to be outside my shop 
during certain hours of the day.  I got some mosquito nets that are to be worn 
over the hat.  The bugs get through.  


Nothing we have tried seems to work.  DEET seems to attract them.  

We have had a wet spring and there are wetlands next to my shop.  Perfect 
breeding grounds.  

Anyone have suggestions other than tyvec full hazmat suit?


I pine for a bag of DDT wetable powder.  

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