Yes, +1
I have proof a tower where the sections have little or no conductivity.
We did exothermic at the base but did crimp at the top and we used the harger clamps every 3' down the tower and no longer have any issues with the site. BTW it was 440' in height

This has been installed since 2017.

On 9/29/19 2:00 PM, Lewis Bergman wrote:
Definitely. A 2/0 or larger exothermically welded to a top mounted ground rod to the ground system at bottom improves conducting strikes to earth greatly. Counting on tower sections to conduct the strike to ground is unreliable at best.

On Sun, Sep 29, 2019, 12:32 PM Matt < <>> wrote:

    I have seen some towers that have a copper ground wire run all the way
    to top of tower.  Is there any real benefit in this for lightning

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