Yeah, but it's not just connectors.  You'll have a tail of bare or tight buffered fiber coming out long enough to reach the splicer and that needs to be protected.  It's usually a couple feet long, but you could get it down to a matter of 6-10" if you have a clear work space.  You'll need to build that fiber back up with tubing and tape and heat shrink.  I can and have done this, but it's not worth the time compared to just buying a completed cable.  I'd encourage you to do it a few times just so you know that you could if you had to, but I'd rather just buy.

On 4/1/2020 4:25 PM, Matt wrote:
Has anyone bought a fiber splicer that supports splice on connectors
and made up there own fiber runs like this?

On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 4:34 PM Matt <> wrote:
What is everyone using for fiber up tower? What using for connectors?

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