That’s excellent.  Why didn’t I think of lucha libre masks.


From: AF <> On Behalf Of Jaime Solorza
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2020 9:04 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Getting ready to go grocery shopping


Here you go gents...


On Wed, Apr 29, 2020, 6:15 PM Ken Hohhof < 
<> > wrote:

I can think of many masks from movies that would be fine.  The Man in the Iron 
Mask, Hannibal Lechter, Bane, The Gimp.



From: AF < <> > On Behalf 
Of Mathew Howard
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 7:02 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group < <> >
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Getting ready to go grocery shopping


Hey, the mask is to protect other people, not the wearer... a loaner will work 
just fine...


On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 6:45 PM < <> > 

Loaner masks...


From: Ken Hohhof 

Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 5:17 PM

To: 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group' 

Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Getting ready to go grocery shopping


I think he ran back out when the young woman staffing the entrance started 
summoning a manager.


I am reminded of restaurants that require a coat and tie, but have loaners for 
people (like American tourists) who didn’t come prepared.  It would be nice to 
have disposable masks for people who didn’t bring one.  But where can anyone 
buy masks (or hand sanitizer) these days?  At least the stores have toilet 
paper again.


From: AF < <> > On Behalf 
Of Chuck McCown
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 6:00 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group < <> >
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Getting ready to go grocery shopping


So, did he get in?

Sent from my iPhone


On Apr 29, 2020, at 4:36 PM, Ken Hohhof < 
<> > wrote:

Good luck.  I had my first bad experience today at a grocery store with a guy 
being a huge jerk.  I hope this was an isolated case.


Many of the stores here are separating the entrance and exit, limiting the 
number of people in the store, marking 6 ft lines at registers and one way 
arrows on alternating aisles.  Some are giving each person a cart whether they 
need one or not because that is how they count how many people are in the store 
(Home Depot is even doing this).  Many are also using tape or cones to guide 
people into the entrance in case there is a line.  The one I stopped at today 
is the first one that was requiring shoppers to wear masks, the state order 
only requires a mask in places where you can’t do social distancing.


Anyway, some guy came up right after me and disregarded all of the above.  
Jumped the cones at the entrance, didn’t have a mask, wouldn’t take a cart, and 
elbowed his way past me trying to escape the greeter who was telling him that 
he needed to wear a mask and shouting for a manager.  When I angled my cart to 
block his path he started shouting that’s assault, that’s assault.  Given that 
he was pushing between me and the shelves to squeeze past and refusing to 
follow the store’s social distancing rules, it really seemed like he was the 
one doing the assaulting.


Hey, this is the only store I’ve been to that actually requires anyone other 
than employees to wear face masks.  But it’s their store, their rules.  If I 
didn’t already have my mask with me, I would have left and not tried to force 
my way in.  Nobody else in the store seemed to have any issues, they were 
peacefully shopping.  The one-way aisles still mess people up, but just because 
they’re new and confusing.


As things start selectively opening up, I hope this tiny minority doesn’t mess 
things up for everyone.  I think a lot of things could open up, with 
appropriate modifications.  But not if somebody wants to express their rights 
by coughing and sneezing on others.


I assume these are the “ugly Americans” who refuse to follow local custom by 
taking off their shoes or covering their heads when visiting churches of other 
faiths or traveling overseas.



From: AF < <> > On Behalf 
Of Jaime Solorza
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 4:55 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group < <> >
Subject: [AFMUG] OT: Getting ready to go grocery shopping


Work in progress...WiFi, LTE, 5G, Stereo Infrared cameras and infrared 
illuminator to kill virus... ventilation and Tecate dispenser in the works .


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