So you tolerate the vegan's diet as long as they tolerate your nudism?

From: AF <> On Behalf Of Adam Moffett
Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: online k12 homeschool options

They do trend weird.  In fact, I'd say homeschoolers range from a little weird 
to effin cray-cray.

There are some whose kids have weird health conditions the school can't 
accommodate.  Like an extreme allergy or an unusual disability.  These are 
usually fairly sane.

The religious homeschoolers are often trying to protect their children from the 
perils of the sinful world around them, and those are some of the less crazy 
ones.  However, some of the religious ones are flat-earthers and young earth 
creationists who don't want their children brainwashed with secular sciences 
and/or have a persecution complex.  The school teaches facts like evolution and 
the earth being round, so therefore it's persecution.

There are also people with weird lifestyles that the school system won't 
accommodate.  These could be vegans, nudists, or almost any other kind of 
weirdo you can imagine.  I'm not judging, I'm just sayin that they are, by 
definition, weird.  They're generally relatively safe and normal.  I don't 
worry about them doing or saying anything too insane, and I get along just fine 
with the vegans in particular.  You just have to make sure to make something 
they can eat when they come over.

There are some who have, shall we say, "less mainstream" notions about how 
school should work.  "Radical un-schooling" for example.   If you read about 
unschooling I think it's a method that really could work well for the right 
type of curious and self-motivated kid & parent.  It also may result in a kid 
who's 12 and can't friggin read because his "un-schooling" curriculum is video 
games and TV.....I exaggerate, but only a little.

And finally, just to put the fear of God into you, there was one home school 
family in the co-op who I suspect are child abusers.  You see, school is full 
of mandated reporters, but if you're at home then there's nobody to see the 
evidence (and I won't elaborate on this).

So if you join a co-op or otherwise link up with other homeschool families just 
be sure to practice your poker face, because you'll hear some weird shit.


On 4/7/2021 1:14 PM, Mike Hammett wrote:
Home schooled kids trend weird.

Are they home schooled because they're (and their parents) are weird?


Are they weird because they were home schooled?

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions<>
Midwest Internet Exchange<>
The Brothers WISP<>

From: "Steve Jones" 
To: "AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group" <><>
Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 10:29:16 AM
Subject: [AFMUG] OT: online k12 homeschool options
I have an incoming Junior and an incoming 8th grader Id prefer not to send back 
to Illinois brick and mortar for at least the upcoming year with all the covid 
games and politicking going on. The schools we deal with have obvious union 
pressure to have ensured the remote curriculum failed, dont want to play that 
game again the coming year.

Have any of you personally dealt with or had customers relay any good 
solutions? Im looking for instructor led homeschool as educating without 
beatings isnt something im really capable of.

there is a BYU curriculum I looked at but that gets some hefty pricing and i 
couldn't ascertain whether its acceptable in Illinois

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