I am a troll, i should have led with that.

I quit watching the news in general before the election. Couldnt stomach
any of them. I periodically will check in, same old nonsense, but I find
myself watching MSNBC when I'm watching one of the big 3. Even though all
their actors try to impersonate madcows inflections, they periodically will
slip in some actual reporting. I think I've watched fox maybe 2 or three
times for more than a couple minutes for news. I do like the five I think
it's called with that tyrus guy, hes the kind of politik I like. Leans a
particular direction but not to a crazy extreme.

Liberals are easy to set off if you know their trigger words. They make it
easy though, cause they have the same triggers. It may be that I'm not even
right leaning, I'm just a troll who is lazy and liberals are the easiest
mark for trolling.

On Sat, May 21, 2022, 3:37 PM Chuck McCown via AF <af@af.afmug.com> wrote:

> Jan,
> Your reaction could be viewed as an example of things that gives liberals
> labels, like thin skinned reactionary snowflakes.
> Steve’s predictable, typical, over the top hyperbole seemingly caused a
> brain aneurysm.  Steve is a troll and this time he succeeded in spades.
> Most of the time we are amused by him.  A known quantity.  Standard bearer
> of the far right (when he wants to be, he is highly intelligent but he
> fakes stupid redneck pretty well).
> Why paint anyone right of you with the same brush.  Lighten up a bit.
> This makes the point of the right that you cannot work with the left
> because their heads explode then they turn the rhetoric  to 11.
> Don’t presume conservatives like Trump or Fox.  I hate both.
> *From:* Jan-GAMs
> *Sent:* Saturday, May 21, 2022 1:40 PM
> *To:* af@af.afmug.com
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT mildly political
> Liberals?  Until your assholes try to take a human right away, then watch
> out.  Alt-right or whatever the conservatives call themselves these days
> are nothing but rat-turds attempting to takeover as dictators, another name
> for alt-right is fascist!  Alt-right conservative rat-turds have a warped
> moral-compass, confusing christianity, nationalism, fascism and organized
> crime.  You can tune in to Russia Today and listen to the same shit spewing
> as on Fox News.  Rat-turds are mentally disturbed sick-fucks who only kill
> the elderly women-folk shopping in grocery-stores.  I say let roto-rooter
> have their way with them and then deport them to Russia.
> George Washington (GW) was a liberal who was opposed to king George, his
> unfair taxes, arbitrary unfair laws and his church.  GW had a friend,
> Thomas Paine, a writer and an atheist who published pamphlets and got the
> revolution into high gear by informing the public!  GW would not appoint
> christians as army chaplains but he did give in to Congressional pressure
> by appointing a Unitarian as chaplain of the army.  Unitarians were similar
> to atheists/deists (maybe a god, maybe not) and GW did not like dictators
> nor state churches and felt two terms as president of a secular nation was
> more than enough.  GW had cousins and we're still here and we will kick
> your alt-right rat-turd asses again, plus we out-number you!  Don't tell me
> how weak liberals are, we're farmers, ministers, doctors, teachers and
> gun-smiths then and still are today.  My aunts (who became
> "Rosie-the-riviter" and/or put on a uniform to fly airplanes, pilot
> tug-boats, could kick your rat-turd asses wearing a blind-fold!  We kicked
> king George's ass, we kicked the South's ass, we beat the Kaiser, we kicked
> Hitler and Mussolini out and we'll kick out the Rat-turds by repatriating
> them to Russia!  Roto-Rooter to the rescue!  Just get us angry, then cover
> your butt-hole, we'll still find you by smell.
> Side stories: one of my distant uncles was part owner of the Peggy
> Stewart.  Rather than pay the king the arbitrary tax on the tea, he set
> fire to the ship and sank her.  When we get angry, we get even and fight
> back!  Another ancestor had to move from Kentucky for operating an
> underground railroad, they almost caught him.  So he moved across the river
> to Indiana and kept it going.  Sometimes we lose.  An ancestor befriended
> Tecumseh by repairing his gun, so later while on the warpath, Tecumseh
> killed and buried him with his scalp intact and wearing new moccasins, he
> had earned Tecumseh's respect even in death.  He had a leg injury from the
> revolutionary war and couldn't run, so he stayed to fight while his helpers
> tried to flee.  We can fight, don't worry your little rat-turd brain and we
> will send you and your kind back to Putin.
> On 5/21/22 11:19, Steve Jones wrote:
> The liberals of 2022 are a prime example of the circle where bad times
> breed strong men, strong men breed good times, good times breed weak men,
> weak men breed bad times.
> Their weakness is why its said that the generation in grade school through
> the current graduating class is projected to be one of the most
> conservative in history. Not alt right the weak minded liberal would label
> them. It's a humorous consequence that that generation is the one that will
> be taking care of the feeble 2022 liberals as they age out of the spotlight.
> Sadly, that generation of strong men will breed the good times that allow
> the weak liberals to exit the world in comfort, all while bringing about
> the other side of the circle.
> Liberals of 2022 are so accustomed to their tantrums being projected in
> their fishbowl and strong men ignoring them that they feel their words are
> relevant. They label anyone who disagrees with them a racist, because
> that's how feeble minds work, and they think it will still matter in a
> decade. It wont. It's simply part of the circle, like how sometimes a
> taking a good shit feels good, but then you have to get through wiping your
> ass to get to a clean butthole again. The 2022 liberal is the equivalent of
> the asswiping. A neccessary, albeit disgusting byproduct of good times on
> the way to another cycle of good times.
> Think about it, if it werent for the fact that it feels so refreshing to
> have a clean butthole, we would all dread taking a dump. Liberals serve a
> purpose, just need to get through to the flush and the ship will right
> again.
> On Wed, May 18, 2022, 5:12 PM Chuck McCown via AF <af@af.afmug.com> wrote:
>> Woke, broke, in therapy and crazy unhappy.
>> That is how I would describe some of my kids.
>> The alt right unwoke ones seem to have money and happiness.
>> Never expected I would not be able to speak my mind at family dinners
>> just to be able to still see some of my kids.
>> Feel like I was convicted in absentia, thrown in the hole for a lifetime
>> sentence, but taken out of solitary confinement now and then at their whims
>> just so they could claim to have compassion on me for a half hour walk in
>> the woods.  Maybe longer if I pay for dinner.
>> Odd times....
>> I loved my parents and grandparents.
>> Never felt they had to earn it.
>> Never would have thought of condemning them for the things they said.
>> Funny, I have a sister that lives 1000 miles from me.  Our families were
>> separate all while the kids were growing.
>> But some of hers have done the same things to her.  Using the exact same
>> vernacular.
>> Must have something to do with energy drinks I think.
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