I advertised for hiring yesterday, a no experience necessary, get paid to learn 
MIG mild steel welding.   PT/FT flexible hours.  We hire 17 year olds.  I 
immediately got crap from this guy saying that the “young people of today” 
cannot exist on less than $18/hour which is what he gets and he works from 

Lots of people defended my $15/entry level, get paid to learn welding position. 
He deleted his post then sent me this:  

Hello there,

Our of respect for you because it wasn't my intent to cause tension, I've 
deleted my comment on your posting. My only point was to emphasize that the 
going rate for a lot of entry level jobs is much higher than $15 an hour. 
Welding is a great skill and can open up great avenues in the future. 

However, The youth of today cannot live on $15 an hour so a lot of candidates 
will not even walk through the door because other places even in the field of 
welding pay higher to start. 

What I emphasized at my company starting at $18 is just one example. We have 
people here that make well over $50 an hour because we operate on a commission 
structure. But that $18 base is livable when a one bedroom is $1000+ in tooele 
a month and depending on where you live it's as low as $1600+ 

Again, never meant to offend so I am sorry for causing you any trouble.

  I replied:
  So you expect someone to walk from High School directly into a job where they 
can have a nice home, car and things?  Wow, without learning a trade, 
profession or other skill?   Our $15/hour people take home $2000/month.  Pretty 
sure someone can exist on that and the smart ones will have roommates or live 
with their parents.  And the smarter ones will quickly be making more than 
$18/hour.  We have exactly zero problems finding as many workers as we need.  
So your opinion that "youth of today" cannot exist on $15/hour is just that, 
unfounded opinion.  I guess your definition of "exist" is different than mine.  
You can exist by walking, riding a bicycle or taking a bus to work.  You can 
exist by eating home cooked meals and making a home made sandwich for your 
lunch.  You can exist by wearing clothes from a thrift store.  You don't need 
the latest iPhone and Netflix to exist.  Read a book.  The struggle IS the 
journey and is what creates grit and strong character.

He replied and blocked me:  
Yeah Okay Boomer. I was reaching out to be nice but you clearly have no idea 
what life is like for us today. I just bought my first house at 31 because of 
how shit things are right now compared to when you were younger. But thanks for 
proving my point by being an asshole about "my definition of exist"
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