So would you guys actually buy that compound? I'm trying to wrap my head
around who would buy it and what for.

I was looking at an empty lot to be my little outdoor playground, and it
has one of these Amish places adjacent to it.  In the back of my head I'm
picturing some kind of weirdo cultists moving in.  Like nudist PETA
eco-terrorists or  neo-confederate klansmen.

On Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 8:09 PM Adam Moffett <> wrote:

> The Amish are making a mass exodus from NY.  You can drive through Amish
> communities and see "for sale" signs one after the other.  The Amish are
> generally known for good workmanship, to the point where some people go out
> of their way to get Amish building contractors.  They also have
> multigenerational households, so you get these large properties with huge
> well-built houses, barns, and outbuildings.  The problem is they have no
> utilities at all.  They'll have hand pumped wells and outhouses and wood
> stoves.
> ?
> I linked the above example because it was easy to find, but that
> particular one has electric out by the road.  I saw a similar one for sale
> where there was no electric service available and it was listed for $140k.
> That's a friggin 'steal except for one thing:  What could you do with a
> huge house with no electricity?  A scout camp?  Start a cult?
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