I can't remember if I posted this here, but about a month ago Vudu, Hulu, ABC 
and Disney streaming all stopped at the same time for all customers on my 

After contacting all of the various customer support departments I found out 
they had to whitelist all of my IP blocks because they thought they were "Out 
of Country" or VPN/Proxy.

Hulu support was the fastest. They had it all cleared and customers access 
restored in a day.

Disney and ABC apparently use the same go.com infrastructure and took a few 
weeks to finally convince someone there to fix it.
But they did for all our blocks and now we have no problems with them.

Vudu on the other hand are being obstinate with me and my customers.
On the phone the nice rep agreed that we need to be white listed, but couldn't 
seem to get a hold of anyone high enough in engineering to fix it.

The email support thread (below in reverse, top most recent ordering) shows a 
long back and forth, then nothing.

What can I do here?

I'm thinking there may be some way to publically shame them into fixing it?

Like John Oliver, lol!

Begin top recent thread with Vudu. Scroll down to bottom to read from the 
beginning time wise.

Ok, so now you guys are flat out lying to our customers.

We are not on a VPN and we are NOT on a proxy!

These are directly assigned public IP's to customers homes that live in 
Saratoga Springs, Utah on a fiber to the home connection.

The IP blocks route through our provider, a Data center in Provo, Utah.

The message sent to our customer Alex shown below is incorrect and causing 
issues with our credibility.
We will record damages in any customer service issues dealing with this and 
track everything you say for our legal team.

Please resolve this today before we take this public and consult legal action.

Have a nice day!

Hi Alex,

Thank you for contacting VUDU Customer Care. I apologize for any inconveniences.

Unfortunately, VUDU does not supports proxys or VPNs. We looked up the IP, it's 
has a hosting proxy and you are using a VPN. This is out of our engineering 
teams troubleshooting abilities. Please get in touch with your ISP for further 

If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact 
us again. Have a great day!
Customer Sterling Jacobson (10308805) via CSS Web 05/26/2015 08:11 PM
So, are you all ignoring the issue now?

I'm instructing all of our customers on over 2000 IP's to go to the FCC 
complain page and file against Vudu.com that they are intentionally blocking 
everyone on our ISP.

Customers of ours are all having Vudu.com issues and support isn't helping them.
Instead they are blaming them for router/browser issues that have no problems.

Please take action.

Unblock and white list our IP ranges and

You are losing customers.

Customer Sterling Jacobson (10308805) via CSS Web 05/20/2015 05:27 PM
Still not fixed.

For me, or any of my IP block customers.

ABC.com and Disney just fixed theirs, so now we are working for all 2048 IP's 
on their networks. Hulu was fixed within an hour of when I notified them.

Why is Vudu incapable of the same thing?

Is there anyone on your team able to whitelist this?

Response Cody C via Email 05/19/2015 02:58 PM
Hello Sterling,

I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for providing the needed 
information. We will send this to our engineering to look into this. Thank you, 
and have a great day!

Best Regards,

Cody C.
VUDU Customer Care
7am-8pm PST
1-888-554-VUDU (8838)
Customer Sterling Jacobson (10308805) via CSS Web 05/19/2015 02:55 PM
Uh, do you want this answered for myself (pointless IMO) or for everyone (even 
more pointless)?

I'll answer inline:

Type of Computer (PC or Mac): ALL
What operation system? Every
What browser(s) are they using? ALL OF THEM
What version of that browser(s)?LOTS
Movie title: WHO KNOWS
Movie definition: HIGH
Speedtest.vudu.com results: Almost 40Mbps both ways (you seem to be capped at 
40Mbps since this is a fiber 1000Mbps line).
How is that computer connected to the network (Wired or Wireless): Wired
If wireless, how far is the router, are there any walls ceilings between? N/A
The make and model of the modem: LOTS
The make and model of the router: MANY
location: Saratoga Springs, Utah, USA
Who is the ISP?

Avative Fiber
Over 2000 IP's in Saratoga Springs, Utah, lots of unhappy customers.
Still unhappy since it's been over a week of issues with Vudu.

Please help! This is not a client end problem. Cross all that off your list.
Get to the point and white list our IP blocks.
Pending failure to do that at the VERY least clear my own two IP's so I know 
you are capable of just that for our customers individually. and Blocks are and
Response Cody C via Email 05/19/2015 10:26 AM
Hello Sterling,

I hope this email finds you well. If could also please provide us with the 
Type of Computer (PC or Mac):
What operation system?
What browser(s) are they using?
What version of that browser(s)?
Movie title:
Movie definition:
Speedtest.vudu.com results:
How is that computer connected to the network (Wired or Wireless):
If wireless, how far is the router, are there any walls ceilings between?
The make and model of the modem:
The make and model of the router:
Who is the ISP?
Thank you, and have a great day!

Best Regards,

Cody C.
VUDU Customer Care
7am-8pm PST
1-888-554-VUDU (8838)
Response Kathryn C via Email 05/19/2015 10:21 AM

I hope this email finds you well.

Thank you for providing us with the requested information. I have escalated 
your case up to our engineering team for further review. Thank you for your 
patience and cooperation in this matter.
We look forward to getting this issue resolved.

Best Regards,

Kathryn Cheatwood
VUDU Customer Care
1-888-554-VUDU (8838)
OPEN 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM PST
Customer Sterling Jacobson (10308805) via CSS Web 05/19/2015 09:14 AM
Hey, any updates?? Still not fixed for me, let alone my 2048 IP's on my 
customer network.

Do you really expect every customer of mine using Vudu to perform four trace 
routes and send them to you individually?

Customer Sterling Jacobson (10308805) via CSS Web 05/18/2015 11:13 AM
Ok. If you could really, really please fix this for all of my subnets I would 
appreciate it.
They are all going to have the same tracert as my home account except for the 
first IP line.
They all route the exact same.

Here is my tracert:

C:\Users\Sterling>tracert llgvault.vudu.com

Tracing route to vudu.re.llnwd.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 108-165-31-1.avative.net []
2 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 69-27-173-89.acedc.net []
3 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms be4012.ccr21.slc01.atlas.cogentco.com [38.104.17
4 18 ms 18 ms 18 ms be2087.ccr22.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.5.
5 19 ms 19 ms 19 ms be2165.ccr22.sjc01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.28
6 19 ms 19 ms 20 ms be2047.ccr21.sjc03.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.5.
7 26 ms 32 ms 22 ms
8 50 ms 43 ms 33 ms tge2-7.fr3.sea2.llnw.net []
9 34 ms 34 ms 41 ms cdn-68-142-93-133.sea2.llnw.net []

Trace complete.

C:\Users\Sterling>tracert lldvault.vudu.com

Tracing route to vudu-rd.vo.llnwd.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 108-165-31-1.avative.net []
2 4 ms <1 ms <1 ms 69-27-173-89.acedc.net []
3 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms be4012.ccr21.slc01.atlas.cogentco.com [38.104.17
4 18 ms 18 ms 18 ms be2086.ccr21.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.3.
5 19 ms 19 ms 19 ms be2164.ccr21.sjc01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.28
6 20 ms 20 ms 19 ms be2000.ccr21.sjc03.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.6.
7 22 ms 22 ms 26 ms
8 26 ms 23 ms 23 ms ve5.fr3.sjc.llnw.net []
9 33 ms 33 ms 36 ms tge2-7.fr3.sea2.llnw.net []
10 43 ms 41 ms 33 ms cdn-68-142-93-254.sea2.llnw.net []

Trace complete.

C:\Users\Sterling>tracert llpvault.vudu.com

Tracing route to vudu-p.vo.llnwd.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 108-165-31-1.avative.net []
2 1 ms 13 ms <1 ms 69-27-173-89.acedc.net []
3 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms be4012.ccr21.slc01.atlas.cogentco.com [38.104.17
4 18 ms 18 ms 18 ms be2087.ccr22.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.5.
5 19 ms 19 ms 19 ms be2165.ccr22.sjc01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.28
6 20 ms 19 ms 20 ms be2047.ccr21.sjc03.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.5.
7 31 ms 23 ms 24 ms
8 40 ms 33 ms 38 ms tge2-7.fr3.sea2.llnw.net []
9 34 ms 34 ms 33 ms cdn-68-142-93-133.sea2.llnw.net []

Trace complete.

C:\Users\Sterling>tracert startup.vvond.net

Tracing route to startup.vvond.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 108-165-31-1.avative.net []
2 1 ms 13 ms <1 ms 69-27-173-89.acedc.net []
3 2 ms 3 ms 2 ms be4012.ccr21.slc01.atlas.cogentco.com [38.104.17
4 18 ms 18 ms 18 ms be2086.ccr21.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.3.
5 19 ms 19 ms 19 ms be2164.ccr21.sjc01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.28
6 20 ms 19 ms 19 ms be2000.ccr21.sjc03.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.6.
7 19 ms 19 ms 19 ms zayo.sjc03.atlas.cogentco.com []
8 20 ms 42 ms 20 ms ae10.cr2.sjc2.us.zip.zayo.com []
9 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms ae3.er2.sjc2.us.zip.zayo.com []
10 23 ms 22 ms 22 ms ae0.er1.sjc2.us.zip.zayo.com []
11 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms te2-4.cr1.mlp1.peakwebhosting.com [
12 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms
13 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms

Trace complete.

Response Kevin W via Email 05/17/2015 01:07 PM
Hello Sterling.

I hope this email finds you well.
To better assist you, we will need to collect a trace route, which will show us 
a more detailed view of your connection to our servers:
Windows XP
Open Start > Run > Type "cmd" and hit "enter"
When the command prompt loads type in the following commands:
tracert llgvault.vudu.com
tracert lldvault.vudu.com
tracert llpvault.vudu.com
tracert startup.vvond.net
Windows  Vista/7/8
Type "cmd" under the search box on the Start menu
When the command prompt loads type in the following commands:
tracert llgvault.vudu.com
tracert lldvault.vudu.com
tracert llpvault.vudu.com
tracert startup.vvond.net
Application Folder > Utilities > Terminal
Open the terminal and type the following commands:
traceroute llgvault.vudu.com
traceroute lldvault.vudu.com
traceroute llpvault.vudu.com
traceroute startup.vvond.net
This will display a screen full of information showing every router the 
connection passes through to get to its destination and the amount of time it 
takes to get to each location (this will help our engineers determine any 
routing issues). To copy this, right click the screen and choose '"Select All'" 
(or Cntrl+A).  Hold Ctrl + C or the hit the "Enter" button, this will copy this 
information the white highlighted box will disappear when you do this.
Please reply to this email with the resulting information so we may investigate 
your issue further.
Best regards,

Kevin W
VUDU Customer Care
1-888-554-VUDU (8838)
OPEN 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM PST
Customer Sterling Jacobson (10308805) via CSS Web 05/16/2015 10:35 PM
That is total crap. You guys are losing customers and so am I.

What does that look like for both of us if I have to send around an email to 
thousands of customers telling them to go to your support page?

Prove to me that it even works.

I am on IP and

Please fix it for my personal network and let me see if we can even get to step 

Response ruribe via Email 05/16/2015 01:26 PM
Hello Sterling,
Thank you for contacting Vudu Customer Support.
Again as stated from the previous agent. We will need to have each VUDU user 
contact us at the number below to assist them further. We do highly apologize 
for this inconvenience. Have a great day.

Best Regards,

Ruben Uribe
VUDU Tier II Network Technician
Open: 7 days a Week, 7AM-8PM PST
1-888-554-VUDU (8838)
Customer Sterling Jacobson (10308805) via CSS Web 05/16/2015 11:10 AM
No, no proxy or VPN, these /22 blocks are routed directly in Saratoga Springs 
Utah at a few different sites in the city.
The public static IP addresses are directly allocated to customer routers.

I can give you exact GPS coordinates in a KMZ file if that helps.

I really need someone on your team to step up for my 2048 IP's and get this 
whitelisted ASAP.

I'm losing customers, and so are you, because of this Out of Country problem.

This is not our problem, we've been running for a couple of years just fine 
until recently.

Someone, somewhere, got our entire IP space on a list which is WRONG.

Please, please do something about this.

Customers are filing FCC complaints now against Vudu regarding this.

Response Kevin W via Email 05/15/2015 07:24 PM
Hello Sterling.

I hope this email finds you well.
Thank you for contacting VUDU customer care. To assist you better are you using 
a VPN or proxy server? If so we do not support either of these on our service. 
If not we will need to have each VUDU user contact us at the number below to 
assist further. I do apologize for the inconvenience and we look forward to 
hearing from you.
Thank you.
Best regards,

Kevin Wolfe
VUDU Customer Care
1-888-554-VUDU (8838)
OPEN 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM PST
Customer Sterling Jacobson (10308805) via CSS Web 05/15/2015 04:09 PM
None of this helps.

For these 2048 IP Addresses in our ARIN assigned/SWIPed block we still cannot 
use Vudu.

Lots of unhappy customers for us.

It is also disney and abc using the Amazon AWS go.com services.

It appears Vudu may also use AWS services/CDN.

So I suspect there is a master blacklist involved at Amazon that my IPv4 blocks 
are on for some reason.

I need someone competent on your team at Vudu to figure out how to whitelist 
our IP ranges ASAP.

Is that possible?

Thanks a ton!
-Sterling Jacobson
Manager, Avative Fiber
Response David S via Email 05/15/2015 09:07 AM
Hello Sterling,
I hope this e-mail finds you well.
There are a couple different possible causes for receiving error #5000. I will 
provide some further information and troubleshooting below.
1. Go to http://adobe.com/go/settmgr_storage_en
a. In the Website Storage Setting Panel Click the "Delete all sites"
b. In the Protected Content Playback Settings panel Click the "Reset License 
2. Uninstall the current version of Adobe Flash Player from your computer
If you have a mac: 
3. Install Adobe Air - http://get.adobe.com/air/
4. Re-install Adobe Flash Player - http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer
5. Reboot the PC after these installs and try to stream the video again.
Sometimes switching your web browser will solve this issue. I would suggest 
using Google Chrome as it automatically updates your Flash player. With some 
computers, Mozilla Firefox is your best option. We do not suggest Internet 
Explorer for our web site. If you are already using Google Chrome, try 
uninstalling it and reinstalling it as an update may not have updated correctly 
and could also be causing the issue.
Other possible causes are as listed below;
-User may be outside of the United States
-User may be on a public network (Example: Hotel, School, Dorm, Work)
-User may need to update flash www.adobe.com/downloads
-Try another browser - or update the current browser.
-User may be running into a Firewall issue on their home network.
If any of these apply to you at this time as far as being out of the country or 
using a public network, then that would be the cause of the error.
If the issue persists, then it may be a possible firewall issue. Please contact 
us at our number below and one of our technicians will be happy to assist you.
Best regards,

David S.
VUDU Customer Care
7am-8pm PST
1-888-554-VUDU (8838)
Customer Sterling Jacobson (10308805) via CSS Web 05/14/2015 07:44 PM
Actually it's multiple users on an ISP that I own, Avative Fiber.

Can you please white list the following IP Ranges?

Avative Fiber (ARIN AL-464), we need all of our IP's on the following blocks 
white listed asap.
It's either handle this one request or thousands of our fiber optic customers 
and business lines start this same exact request process.
Let me know if there is something else we can do, or when it will be resolved.
We've already resolved the issue with Hulu.

Sterling Jacobson
Avative Fiber
Response Kevin W via Email 05/14/2015 05:29 PM
Hello Sterling.

I hope this email finds you well.
There are a couple different possible causes for receiving error #5000. I will 
provide some further information and troubleshooting below.
The first step that you can try to resolve this issue, would be to go to:
1. http://adobe.com/go/settmgr_storage_en
a. In the Website Storage Setting Panel Click the "Delete all sites"
b. In the Protected Content Playback Settings panel Click the "Reset License 
2. Uninstall the current version of Adobe Flash Player from your computer
If you have a mac: 
3. Install Adobe Air - http://get.adobe.com/air/

4. Re-install Adobe Flash Player - http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer
5. Reboot the PC after these installs and try to stream the video again.
We also recommend switching your web browser to resolve the issue if it 
persists. I would suggest using Google Chrome as it automatically updates your 
Flash player. With some computers, Mozilla Firefox is your best option. If you 
are already using Google Chrome, try uninstalling it and reinstalling it, as an 
update may not have updated correctly and could also be causing the issue.
If the issue persists, then it may be a possible firewall issue. Please contact 
us at our number below and one of our technicians will be happy to assist you.
Best regards,

Kevin Wolfe
VUDU Customer Care
1-888-554-VUDU (8838)
OPEN 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM PST
Customer Sterling Jacobson (10308805) via CSS Web 05/14/2015 03:56 PM
Can't watch my Vudu movies on my computer due to some vague error #5000.

Can you explain?


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