Find a way to shape bandwidth at your edge/core routers instead of at the
tower? Powercode, Azotel, and possibly others will do this.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 7:15 PM, George Skorup <> wrote:

> Is this only from LLNW? I swear I've seen it from other CDNs as well. I
> don't see any way around this other than throwing bandwidth at it. And as
> you mention, this means upstream bandwidth and backhaul links between
> towers.
> On 7/8/2015 5:50 PM, Ken Hohhof wrote:
>> This has been discussed in previous threads, but I just got off a call
>> with a customer where I was able to identify what content was being
>> distributed via LLNW and causing problems. Customer had bought a new Xbox
>> and it was downloading game updates.  He was complaining that the game
>> update seemed stuck getting to 100%, plus Internet on his other devices was
>> painfully slow.
>> LLNW seems to aim for 50% packet loss.  I always seem to see almost
>> exactly 2X the customer's rate limit hitting our border router.  Of course
>> this causes all traffic to that customer to experience random 50% packet
>> loss, which few applications can tolerate.  It is also consuming our
>> upstream and backhaul bandwidth beyond what the customer has subscribed to,
>> since we do rate limiting at the tower router.
>> Other than getting a Procera box and setting up some kind of rule to
>> catch this at the border (plus maybe a penalty for LLNW being such dicks),
>> I don't know what to do about this, but it pisses me off.

Darin Steffl
Minnesota WiFi
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