Our busiest sector tonight did 26.778 Mbps at 39.1% download air
utilization (according to BreezeView) on a 20 MHz channel.

We run subframe 1 / special subframe 3 on our equipment.

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 10:08 PM, Forrest Christian (List Account) <
li...@packetflux.com> wrote:

> Sorry for the on topic content.
> Would those of you here who have played enough with the telrad gear please
> explain to me the realities of things like capacity per ap/channel/mhz,
> distance capability (ie link budget), and the like?  Ie what should really
> be on a spec sheet.
> I'm still trying to dig through the marketing spin to understand the real
> capabilities of these units.

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