> For years I've provided a FREE blacklist service for MikroTik users. I have 
> recently upgraded my server environment for higher reliability and speed.
> If you are interested in a dynamic IP blacklist for your routers are are not 
> already using my list then checkout my writeup:
> http://joshaven.com/resources/tricks/mikrotik-automatically-updated-address-list/
> If you are already use my list than don't worry, your service just got faster 
> and you don't need to do anything... unless you want to include the newly 
> added list from malc0de.

Is there anyway you can make the address lists in Mikrotik dynamic
with a ~7 day timeout?  That way they are not included in backups etc.
Also, if decide to stop using them just delete the scripts and lists
will go away in 7 days.

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