I read that as a 83 AH battery for 1.1K whereas a 120 AH deep cycle from Walmart is $83... For that price diff you can literally throw away batteries each year...

On 10/01/2016 11:42 AM, Lewis Bergman wrote:
That seems expensive for the AH. They sound like they recover better
from deep discharge. The last time I bought 75AH batteries they were
~$200 each.  so for somewhere less than half the money you get close to
the same AH and they added bonus of destroying the planet.

On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 12:57 PM Kurt Fankhauser
<lists.wavel...@gmail.com <mailto:lists.wavel...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I've been seriously looking at solar for off grid, biggest problem
    was the batteries but then I found these salt water batteries that
    seem to be the solution to all the problems associated with battery
    systems, they have a 24v version for a 2.2Kwh cell that I was going
    to wire up to an APC-XL ups and see what happened....


    On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Rory Conaway <r...@triadwireless.net
    <mailto:r...@triadwireless.net>> wrote:


        __ __

        And wait until Peroksvite starts selling…. ____

        __ __

        Thought you might like that Chuck.____

        __ __

        *Rory Conaway **• Triad Wireless •**CEO____*

        *4226 S. 37^th Street • Phoenix • AZ 85040____*

        *602-426-0542 <tel:602-426-0542>____*

        *r...@triadwireless.net <mailto:r...@triadwireless.net>____*

        *www.triadwireless.net <http://www.triadwireless.net/>____*

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        “The other teams could make trouble for us if they win.” — Yogi

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