Some carriers support mobile CNAM, some don't. Mine's in there, though. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Ken Hohhof" <> 
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2016 9:25:40 PM 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Customers texting cell phones "hey my internet isn; t 

Awhile back I added SMS-to-email capability to our main number and discovered 
people have probably been texting it forever. You don’t need a cellphone to 
receive texts. The nice thing is the service we use has the reply-to address on 
the email set to properly to text the person back. 

What I find annoying is they never include their name, somehow they think their 
cellphone number is all we need. So 123-456-7890 wants to know “Is the tower 

I’d rather they use the contact form on our mobile website. It’s not a 
“responsive” site, it’s a separate mdot site so the contact form is easy to use 
on a phone. 

One of the other great mysteries of life is why calls from cellphones don’t 
have CNAM. 95% of the calls we get are from “Wireless Caller”. There are apps 
for everything, but they can’t do this one simple thing, show me the name of 
the mobile caller, without having them in my address book. 

From: Af [] On Behalf Of Brandon Yuchasz 
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2016 8:40 PM 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Customers texting cell phones "hey my internet isn; t 

I expected more Sarcasm. But thanks for the reply anyway. We are small still by 
most standards and I still go on every install so generally customers feel they 
know me a little. That relationship is of course a good thing. Some texts of 
course I don’t mind like “ hey the internet has been dropping off today but 
comes back” it’s the shitty attitudes that they would never give me in a phone 
call that generally piss me off.. 
From: Af [ ] On Behalf Of That One Guy /sarcasm 
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2016 8:31 PM 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Customers texting cell phones "hey my internet isn; t 

We call into the office and call the customers from there DID or something to 
avoid it. But it happens. 

When a customer has my cell, ive given it to them on occasion for 
troubleshooting and most of my contract service have my work and personal. 

As long as they dont abuse it, I handle their business (facebook is becoming 
popular for customers to contact me, which is odd because my face book is 
private and highly offensive) 

Once they abuse it, they get a couple "call the office"s then they get ignored. 

Like right now there is a voicemail from a contract services customer i haven't 
even listened to from two days ago. 

I do prefer all communications voice or digital go through work channels, or 
phones are recorded and all the digital stuff is logged on company owned 
assets. Better in the long term for liability. 

On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 8:25 PM, Jim Bouse [Brazos WiFi] < > 

I respond with “The support number is: 979-985-5912 ” 

Short and sweet (maybe not sweet). Often, I am on call in the evenings so I end 
up answering the support call but It is customer training. I don’t want people 
calling/texting my personal cellphone and then getting pissed off that I don’t 
respond in a timely manner (vacation or whatnot) when I have paid support staff 
at the office. Additionally, if they call my cellphone, I tell them the same 
thing. The sales and support number is: X. I will be happy to help you there. 

We record 100% of the business calls due to some he-said/she-said incidents. I 
don’t talk business on the personal cellphone unless the call is routed through 
the PBX. 

Jim Bouse 
Mobile IT Pro - Brazos WiFi 

From: Af [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Brandon Yuchasz 
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2016 8:19 PM 
Subject: [AFMUG] Customers texting cell phones "hey my internet isn; t working" 

Wondering if anyone else has dealt with this and if so what they used as a 

I am getting more and more texts from customers as time goes on. They get my 
cell phone number at some point when I call them or from a friend or who knows 
but they hold onto it. 
Instead of emailing the tech support or calling in they send me a text to my 
cell phone. “hey my internet isn’t working” . I don’t know who the hell they 
are of course since its just some random number with no context. So Then I am 
faced with ignoring the text or replying. “ I’m sorry but I don’t know who this 
is from can you please give me additional information. “ 
Text back and forth over the next 15 minutes reveal they have the wireless 
turned off on their computer or the router took a shit or they are off line. 
Regardless it’s annoying, I have considered asking them not to text my cell 
phone and instead call or email but half the time they are still going to get 
me. That’s not ideal. Please don’t text my cell phone instead use our online 
contact option or call us at…. 5 minutes later I get a call that forwards to my 
cell phone not ideal. although that is changing and hopefully in the next 6 
months I won’t be doing any tech support calls anymore. 

How do you guys deal with this from a company standpoint. 

Just so everyone realizes it… this is at least 65% rant so sarcasm and honest 
real feedback are both welcome. 


If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team as 
part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team. 

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