>>>> I think we need to send Faisal into the Matrix to consult the Oracle. Then 
>>>> we’ll know the future. 

Yep.... When in doubt send the brown guy to the dangerous mission ! LOL ! 
(Aye, just because the programer was an Indian Dude, does not mean I will be 
able to make it thru ! :) ) 

>>>> And regarding religion, I think most Christians ignore the Old Testament. 
Sad part is that, it is not only Christians.... Muslims and Jews too, either 
ignore what is ordained or twist it to suit one's purpose. 

>>> Maybe I am influenced by having grown up at a time when there was an 
>>> ecumenical movement in America, and in a church that taught respect for 
>>> other religions. 
I also grew up in that time, on the other side of the world, and yes Religion 
was something very much respected irrespective of one's personal belief. 
Sadly today it is used as a political tool, across the world. 

>>>> Do most people really not believe that Christians, Jews, Muslims, and many 
>>>> others actually worship the same God just following different traditions? 

Some do , some don't, but I see a lot of people who are not able to reconcile 
this fact and as such deny it.... (you can see the 'but' coming from a mile way 
! ) 

Faisal Imtiaz 
Snappy Internet & Telecom 
7266 SW 48 Street 
Miami, FL 33155 
Tel: 305 663 5518 x 232 

Help-desk: (305)663-5518 Option 2 or Email: supp...@snappytelecom.net 

> From: "Ken Hohhof" <af...@kwisp.com>
> To: af@afmug.com
> Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2017 1:48:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Will DJT be president

> I think we need to send Faisal into the Matrix to consult the Oracle. Then 
> we’ll
> know the future.

> And regarding religion, I think most Christians ignore the Old Testament.

> I remember as a kid reading the Bible front to back, and being most impressed 
> by
> the New Covenant as described in the Old Testament.

> It seemed clear to me, God would put his word into each person so we would 
> know
> right from wrong without having to be taught or commanded by other people.
> Basically we were given free will, and God would no longer blame us for
> original sin. But apparently I misinterpreted this, as the common
> interpretation is a prediction of the coming Messiah, and only those people 
> who
> follow that Messiah will have their sins forgiven.

> I still find the way I read it as a kid more compelling. We don’t need
> commandments or leaders or prophets, we know in our hearts what is right. It
> doesn’t require you to believe strange things like a remote island tribe will
> be denied salvation unless missionaries come and convert them. Or that 
> everyone
> who follows a different religion than you is a heathen and following a
> different or false God. Isn’t it more believable that we are all God’s 
> children
> and know Him in our hearts and minds? Do most people really not believe that
> Christians, Jews, Muslims, and many others actually worship the same God just
> following different traditions?

> Maybe I am influenced by having grown up at a time when there was an 
> ecumenical
> movement in America, and in a church that taught respect for other religions.
> I’m not sure I still believe all the doctrine I was taught, but the respect 
> for
> other religions part stays with me. A lot of the words and actions today from
> organized religion and people professing to be extremely religious seems like
> what we used to describe as “not very Christian” behavior.

> Totally off topic, but I am reminded of the quote from Aunt Em in Wizard of 
> Oz:

> “Almira Gulch, just because you own half the county doesn't mean that you have
> the power to run the rest of us. For twenty-three years, I've been dying to
> tell you what I thought of you! And now... well, being a Christian woman, I
> can't say it!”

> From: Af [mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com] On Behalf Of Jaime Solorza
> Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2017 11:38 AM
> To: Animal Farm <af@afmug.com>
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Will DJT be president

> Let me start the year right.. Bite me DJT... He is still a douche bag....
> There.... I feel better.

> On Jan 1, 2017 10:35 AM, "Ken Hohhof" < af...@kwisp.com > wrote:
>> But DJT knows a lot about hacking. He knows things that other people don’t 
>> know.
>> You’ll find out Tuesday or Wednesday.

>> From: Af [mailto: af-boun...@afmug.com ] On Behalf Of Faisal Imtiaz
>> Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2017 10:35 AM
>> To: af@afmug.com
>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Will DJT be president

>> I have always found this to be rather interesting...

>> Christians (at least here in the US) tend to look at the stories in the Bible
>> and use those stories having some sort of a hidden message with the 
>> prediction
>> of the future.

>> Muslims, we have the same story of Joseph in the Quran, we look at that 
>> story as
>> historical narrative of Joseph...(God's Messenger) and God's Mercy and favor
>> bestowed on him.

>> In regards to the Future.... there are general signs predicted, but no way to
>> decipher the actual timeline..

>> I wish all of our sins were absolved just by reading the Holy Text.... There 
>> is
>> something to be said about intentions, and actions :)

>> Wishing Everyone the very Best for 2017 !

>> :)

>> Faisal Imtiaz
>> Snappy Internet & Telecom
>> 7266 SW 48 Street
>> Miami, FL 33155
>> Tel: 305 663 5518 x 232

>> Help-desk: (305)663-5518 Option 2 or Email: supp...@snappytelecom.net

>>> From: "Chuck McCown" < ch...@wbmfg.com >
>>> To: af@afmug.com
>>> Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2016 10:49:32 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Will DJT be president
>>> Here is a dose of scripture story for y’alll.

>>> (It’ll do you good. Read this and and all your 2016 sins are hereby 
>>> absolved)

>>> During the seven years of abundant harvest, Joseph had the grain stored in
>>> cities ( Gen. 41:48-49 ). During the seven lean years that followed, Joseph
>>> dispensed grain to the Egyptians and other people who were affected by the
>>> widespread famine. To create and administer all this, while surviving the
>>> political intrigue of an absolute monarchy, required exceptional talent.

>>> From: Chuck McCown

>>> Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2016 8:43 PM

>>> To: af@afmug.com

>>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Will DJT be president

>>> Pretty sure the 7 years comes from an Old Testament story about storing 7 
>>> years
>>> of food...

>>> From: Ken Hohhof

>>> Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2016 4:22 PM

>>> To: af@afmug.com

>>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Will DJT be president

>>> 7 years!

>>> Who was it that said “at my age I don’t even buy green bananas”?

>>> From: Af [ mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com ] On Behalf Of Chuck McCown
>>> Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2016 4:22 PM
>>> To: af@afmug.com
>>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Will DJT be president

>>> Mormons have been urged to have a year’s worth of food, fuel and money for 
>>> many
>>> years. More recently publications have changed that to a 3 months supply.
>>> Originally it was 7 years supply.

>>> But not because of apocalyptic end-times scenario, it was to take care of
>>> ourselves during tough times. This also includes having a garden, fruit 
>>> trees,
>>> home production and storage etc etc. So not officially a “prepper” doctrine 
>>> but
>>> many Mormons do take it that way.

>>> From: Ken Hohhof

>>> Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2016 11:38 AM

>>> To: af@afmug.com

>>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Will DJT be president

>>> So on 12/31/16 at midnight UTC, clocks leap forward 1 second.

>>> And on 1/20/17, they fall back 50 years?

>>> Is this why I’m recently hearing radio ads for gourmet food with a 20 year 
>>> shelf
>>> life? Bomb shelter supplies? Doesn’t it make more sense to just rotate the
>>> stock of non perishable food in your pantry, and isn’t that already a common
>>> Mormon practice? This talks about a 3 month supply:

>>> https://www.lds.org/topics/emergency-preparedness

>>> Oh, and CNN had an interview the other day with one of my favorite 
>>> politicians,
>>> Adam Kinzinger, who represents most of my WISP service area. He pointed out
>>> that Russia is not the Soviet Union, and we should maybe not treat them as 
>>> an
>>> equal like during the cold war, and that Putin is trying to push us around 
>>> like
>>> one of their former satellite states, and it’s overdue for us to push back. 
>>> I
>>> like his characterization of Russia as a gas can with an economy the size of
>>> Italy.

>>> http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1612/29/cg.02.html

>>> From: Af [ mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com ] On Behalf Of Chuck McCown
>>> Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2016 11:37 AM
>>> To: af@afmug.com
>>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Will DJT be president

>>> It will be an interesting year for sure. I am hopeful for a strong business
>>> friendly economic upturn.

>>> I actually would welcome the return of the cold war. Things were more 
>>> peaceful
>>> back then.

>>> From: Ken Hohhof

>>> Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2016 10:31 AM

>>> To: af@afmug.com

>>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: Will DJT be president

>>> Because Trump is the “first ME President”.

>>> From: Af [ mailto:af-boun...@afmug.com ] On Behalf Of Bill Prince
>>> Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2016 11:14 AM
>>> To: Motorola III < af@afmug.com >
>>> Subject: [AFMUG] OT: Will DJT be president

>>> Modern day “Nostradamus from the Balkans” forecast that "Obama will be the 
>>> "last
>>> US president".
>>>> https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-president-060745089.html
>>> One last thought for 2016.
>>> --
>>> bp
>>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>

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