The PTP450 is just SM hardware (900 included). Sync over power is not on the board. Timing port only.

On 6/15/2017 10:48 AM, Mathew Howard wrote:
Nope, that's all you need.

No, they don't have any built in GPS, but you don't really need it if you're just doing one link and it doesn't need to sync with anything else. If you do need sync, then you'd need to get some type of GPS for the Master radio... they support both sync over power and timing port, so just about any of the Canopy sync products should work.... I'd use something from PacketFlux, personally.

On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 10:22 AM, Jeff Broadwick - Lists < <>> wrote:

    For a PTP link?

    Jeff Broadwick
    ConVergence Technologies, Inc.
    312-205-2519 <tel:%28312%29%20205-2519> Office
    574-220-7826 <tel:%28574%29%20220-7826> Cell <>

    On Jun 15, 2017, at 11:07 AM, Christopher Gray
    < <>>

    To setup a PTP450 900 MHz link, is there anything I need other
    than 2x radios, 2x antennas and power to run a link?

    Do they come with GPS receivers like ePMP does, or do they need a
    separate device?

    Thank you - Chris

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