African Cinema Conference presents...

here's [a] review of Amandla! the documentary film. let me know what 

you think.

There is no doubt Amandla is uptlifting - it shows where South 

Africans come from, not only as a nation but as a shows the 

amazing spirit of a nation that was not just going to lay down and 

die and should definitely be used in history lessons in the very near 

future.However, i feel that it failed to mention other organisations 

that were part of the struggle (eg:PAC and the Communist Party), 

which makes it look a bit like ANC propaganda. Another flaw is that 

it took too much time with two guys who went to exile for a short 

period after Mandela was released-there's quite a few interesting 

people who really felt what exile means who could've been 

interviewed. The film also kept switching between the periods/phases 

of the struggle that it got a bit confusing. I know it took yrs to 

get finance but i feel that Lee should've done recap i/views with all 

the i/viewees, now (just before the release). For instnce, I'm sure 

Vusi Mahlasela would have s/thing more than interesting to say. Even 

Mandela himself would have made a big impact.All in all, i salute Lee 

Hirsch and all the people who took part in this for, even though it 

is not a master piece, it is a piece, a part of who we, as South 

Africans are. Amandla! Ma ibuye iAfrika! - Asania Aphane; Proudly 

South African

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