I apologize to those of you who dont join us in IRC (freenode #agavi),
the other night when we were discussing it I'd intended to post to the
list to field additional feedback but got distracted with everything
else I was doing.. :( Glad to see Bob has posted a summary. :)

I still have a few reservations/concerns about how I see this
potentially playing out, with all the discussion over the past few

1. I see a continuing emphasis on some division between people who
contribute to the framework directly and anyone else. We should make a
concious effort to INVOLVE the community at every point and avoid
language which expresses any artificial walls between 'us' and 'them'.
Decisions, IMO, should be made by the community, not by some elite
developer or circle of developers. The more we bring each developer
into the process, the better the experience will be for all.

2. As with #1 above, I wonder how the community will be involved in
the development process, what political processes will be involved in
decision making? I had assumed it would be similar to the hippy rule
we emply in Agavi, but am beginning to wonder if this is to be managed
somehow differently.

3. UML, I would hope that the use of UML is simply a means of
presenting an idea. I would object to it's use for anything beyond
that. Personally, I'd rather see ideas illustrated in test suites, but
I dont have any problem with visual diagrams too..

Maybe little nothings.. but concerns I've noted none the less. 
-Mike (agile)
agavi-dev mailing list

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