On 8/22/05, David Zülke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know you don't really like the distinction between those who mainly
> develop the application and those who mainly use it, but in reality, there
> is one. Some people will be quite passive (asking questions, filing bug
> reports, stuff like that), and some people will actively participate by
> discussing things, contributing code, giving advice, etc. It will be
> somewhat impractical to _want_ everyone and their mother involved in every
> decision. But I think the Agavi way of doing this has proved to be very
> good, and thus I'm sure we will be able to listen to everybody who steps up
> and objects, proposes, agrees, argues or whatever.

The point is, I dont want to discourage _anyone_ from getting
involved. If everyone and their mother wants to weigh in with their 2
cents on a subject, all the better. I dont think anyone involved thus
far truly has intentions to push anyone out of the process, but I
think we should conciously give thought to how things are setup and
expressed to encourage involvment from front to back.

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