Hi all,

So I read some more of the "Beyond the Chasm" marketing book.

They talk about how ther are enthusiasts/innovators, which like trying
out new tech, and they will pretty much try anything so long as it is
free and they can help make it better. but they generally don't have
much money to throw at these things.

One of the main interesting points from a financial standpoint is that
some innovators/enthusiasts may have access to "visionaries" or
approximately VP/VC level people that want to use the technology to
get ahead of the competition in some manner. Typically they will have
access to millions of dollars, and may have some vision for how they
can utilize the technology for their particular purpose, so it's
kindof a double-edged sword, on the one hand it's a good source of
funding, on the other hand they will likely want/need some control
over how the product is made to make it applicable for their use-case.

These visionaries are pretty few and far in between and generaly they
want something new, so only have at most a few chances once one of
these visionaries picks up on it. Since after a while "the next big
thing" will show up and they'll be off doing that.
So the idea is that have to utilize the resouorces given in this
initial burst to launch to the early-majority, or the "pragmatists".
they stick with things longer term, but they need references in order
to feel safe with using something.
However they dont' count visonaries as references, but only other
pragmatists as references.
The key here is have to find a small B2B niche that is "hurting real
bad" for a solution that our tech can alleviate/solve.

once have the product developed for that small B2B niche, can have
some good references, and can get a toehold into the early-majority.
at which point have to spread to other niches, until have enough of a
strong-hold to have wide appeal.

I think an ICO may be equivalent to a "visionary" early-adopter kinda

so it would make sense for SingNet to pick some pragmatist niche to
initially specialize for, and then move out from there.

for example
The most natural "pragmatist niche" for Pyash is providing software
for managing formal multi-lingual meetings, basically replacing the
roles of president/secretary/translator. particularly useful for
multi-national holding companies, government bodies that have
multiple official languages, and corporations operating within a
linguistically diverse area.

though I think something like that would have to be after the software
supermarket is setup,
as the software supermarket is basically and outsourcing solution that
makes it cheaper/easier to develop other software.

What ideas do you have for bringing either SingNet/AGI or your
projects through the adoption lifecycle?

Logan Streondj,
A dream of Gaia's future.
twitter: https://twitter.com/streondj

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