On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 8:10 AM <johnr...@polyplexic.com> wrote:
> Why is there no single general compression algorithm? Same reason as general 
> intelligence, thus, multi-agent, thus inter agent communication, thus 
> protocol, and thus consciousness.

Legg proved that there are no simple, general theories of prediction,
and therefore no simple but powerful learners (or compression
algorithms). Suppose you have a simple algorithm that can predict any
computable infinite sequence of symbols after only a finite number of
mistakes. Then I can create a simple sequence that your program can't
learn. My program runs your program and outputs a different symbol at
each step. You can read his paper here:

This has been the biggest pitfall of AGI projects. You make fast
progress initially on the easy problems, thinking the solution is in
sight, and then get stuck on the hard ones.

> Doesn't Gödel Incompleteness imply "magic" is needed?

No, it (and Legg's generalizations) implies that a lot of software and
hardware is required and you can forget about shortcuts like universal
learners sucking data off the internet. You can also forget about self
improving software (violates information theory), quantum computing
(neural computation is not unitary), or consciousness (an illusion
that evolved so you would fear death).

How much software and hardware? You were born with half of what you
know as an adult, about 10^9 bits each. That's roughly the information
content of your DNA, coincidentally about the same as your long term
memory capacity according to Landauer. (see
). All this debate about nurture vs nature is because for most traits,
it's both.

The hard coded (nature) part of your AGI is about 300M lines of code,
doable for a big company for $30 billion but probably not by you
working alone. And then you still need a 10 petaflop computer to run
it on, or several billion times that to automate all human labor
globally like you promised your simple universal learner would do by
next year.

Or maybe you could automate the software development. It's happened
once, right? All it took was 10^48 DNA base copy operations on 10^37
bases over 3.5 billion years on planet sized hardware that uses one
billionth as much energy per operation as transistors.

I believe AGI will happen because it's worth $1 quadrillion to
automate labor and the technology trend is clear. We have better way
to write code than evolution and we can develop more energy efficient
computers by moving atoms instead of electrons. It's not magic. It's

-- Matt Mahoney, mattmahone...@gmail.com

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