On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 3:45 PM <johnr...@polyplexic.com> wrote:
> You believe! Showing signs of communication protocol with future AGI :) an 
> aspect of .... CONSCIOUSNESS?

My thermostat believes the house is too hot. It wants to keep the
house cooler, but it feels warm and decides to turn on the air

I don't believe that my thermostat is conscious. Or let me taboo words
like "believe" and 'conscious". I assign a low probability to the
possibility that my thermostat has a homunculus or an immortal soul or
a little person inside it that feels hot or cold. I assign a low
probability that human brains have these either. When we look inside,
all we see are neurons.

Your argument that I am conscious is to poke me in the eye and ask
whether I felt pain or just neural signals. My reaction to pain must
either be real or it must be involuntary and I lack the free will to
ignore it. Well guess what. Free will is an illusion too. If you don't
believe me, then define it. Something you can apply as a test to
humans, thermostats, dogs, AI, etc. I'll wait...

Or maybe you believe that AGI is impossible. Maybe you believe that
the brain processes inputs and produces outputs that no computer ever
could. I don't know. You tell m.

-- Matt Mahoney, mattmahone...@gmail.com

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