> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Bromer via AGI <agi@agi.topicbox.com>
> Operating on compressed data without having to decompress it is the goal that
> I am thinking of so being able to access internal relations would be 
> important.
> There can be some compressed data that does not contain explicit internal
> relations but even then it would be nice to be able to make modifications to
> the data without decompressing it. My assumption is that the data would have
> some kind of internal relations that were either implicit in the data or which
> might be a product of the compression method.
> The parts of the model that I am thinking about may contain functions to:
> Compress data.
> Transform compressed data into another compressed form without
> decompressing it.
> Append additional data onto the previously compression without
> decompressing it.
> Modify the data previously compressed without decompressing it.
> Decompress the data.

Isn't this just building alphabets of patterns and symbolizing "effective 
complexity" regions (Gell-Mann ) on successive iterations while interacting 
with a more general library graph of symbols? Aligning to entropy extrema when 
forming crypticity topology... shifting lossy and lossless dynamically in 
referencing the general library. IOW, for example mining into "dynamical depth" 
then inserting "purer" symbols from the library into the compressed form at the 
appropriate depth. Symbol injection basically... the cleaner symbols being 
effectively pre-compressed.



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