It's not that nobody cares. Automating labor with AGI is worth $1 quadrillion
(15 years world GDP). If you can't raise $1 billion it means investors give
your ideas less than a 1 in a million chance of working. Do you have a
design for a 10 petaflop, 1 petabyte computer to run a human brain sized
neural network using 20 watts? No?

Immortality is a slightly harder problem. We evolved to die because is
cheaper to buy new machines instead of fixing them forever. Sure you could
copy your mind to software but the only reason you think you need to is
because you also evolved to fear dying just like all other animals. Are you
sure the copy is really you?

I'm interested in AGI as an engineering problem. Evolution solved it once
but it took 10^48 DNA base copy operations. Maybe we can develop self
replicating nanotechnology that will achieve Kardashev level 3 (control
over all the energy in the galaxy). Is it possible within the constraints
of physics? It's fun to think about.

On Sat, Nov 17, 2018, 5:50 PM Alan Grimes < wrote:

> Bleh, good luck getting anyone to care enough to help AT ALL.
> =\
> I'm suffering from extreme socio-economic exclusion in my personal life,
> and have a low and declining wellbeing as it is. =\
> I have a pretty damn good idea what needs to be done to make AGI
> happens. Yeah, it will cost a few hundred million dollars but hey! It's
> worth it....
> But then I've had a business plan in my text editor for several months
> now but I'm stuck because it has some giant holes in it, especially in
> the critical early phases when it needs to start paying for itself. =(
> Felipe Carmona Miquilini via AGI wrote:
> > "No one will be left behind"
> > Do you think that the humankind is intelligent? Sorry, but it actually
> > isn't. There is a scale of intelligence developed my physicists, and
> > we are about
> --
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