Your sensations of consciousness, free will, qualia, and identity are
evolutionary adaptations. You want to preserve them by not dying. This
results in more offspring.

You can transcend consciousness by running a simulation of your mind in a
computer and modifying the software to produce any level of bliss you
desire. But other beings that maintain their physical embodiment might
repurpose the computer for more useful work. It's your choice.

On Tue, Nov 20, 2018, 4:54 PM justcamel via AGI < wrote:

> Evolution within this physical reality serves only one purpoe: To produce
> learning vehicles of various complexity for consciousness to "attach" to
> and to utilize in order to reduce the inherent entropy of consciousness
> (i.e. increasing the quality of consciousness).
> Many realized/enlightened human beings (or rather the corresponding
> attached consciousness) have dropped their physical embodiment and moved
> on. They realized that evolution within the physical realm is not meant to
> go on forever. A tiny improvement of our average intelligence would
> probably be enough in order for a majority of humans to realize that.
> Interest in the physical realm completely drops as consciousness reaches
> higher levels/higher quality. Many enlightened beings are totally detached
> from their human body and just use it to communicate with less developed
> human beings.
> Two quotes from the brilliant book "Transcending the Levels of
> Consciousness" by David R. Hawkins
> "Technically, the enlightened states emerge at consciousness level 600,
> which is that of Infinite Peace and Bliss illuminated by the Light of the
> Radiant Self. The emergence of God Immanent as Self frequently precludes
> continuation of ordinary human activities and results in withdrawal from
> the world or may even result in physically departing from it, an option
> that is taken by fifty percent of those who reach it."
> "Most sages have stayed at a given level for a lifetime; others have
> managed to return to functioning in the world in limited areas. To return
> to functioning in the world requires readjustments that are difficult to
> describe. The people in the world consider the sage to be an individual
> person. Initially, this is rather surprising because there is no individual
> person present to be spoken to. What evolves is the development of an
> interface with the world, best described as a ‘persona’. It is not the
> inner reality but it meets the world’s expectations that perceive the Self
> to be located as a separate individual body and a separate identity (the
> ‘personality’). In a manner of speaking, these expectations of the world
> are somewhat humored by at least approximations in order to dispel comment,
> for the interchanges are of a greater dimension than the world perceives."
> It doesn't even take AGI in order for hundreds of people to realize this
> ... and AGI will - quite by definition - be aware of all of this too.
> Am 18.11.2018 um 22:09 schrieb Matt Mahoney via AGI:
> Self replicating nanotechnology is subject to the laws of evolution just
> like DNA based life. Some agents may choose to contemplate their
> consciousness to achieve Nirvana. But they will be out completed by agents
> that are best adapted to acquiring atoms and energy to reproduce the
> fastest. It doesn't mean that future AGI will build Dyson spheres and seed
> other solar systems, but evolution will favor those that do.
> On Sat, Nov 17, 2018, 10:15 PM justcamel via AGI <
> wrote:
>> Hint: The assumption that vastly more intelligent entities would care to
>> conquer space and to build megastructures and to combat ageing is just a
>> very primitive assumption based on a very narrow world view.
>> The most advanced human beings (Zen monks for example) will tell you that
>> it's about conquering your own consciousness and transcending this virtual
>> 3D learning environment we call universe.
>> The most intelligent Super Mario will not care to conquer Super Mario
>> Land and to build megastructures but he will transcend his game universe
>> and become part of the superset environment ... and it's the very same with
>> humanity.
>> Jesus, Buddha, Taoists, Hindus, Sufis, Shamans, native Americans and
>> pretty much anybody in charge of his/her own consciousness is telling you
>> just that: The goal is transcendence of this space-time environment and not
>> becoming the "master" of it. Only a retarded little kid would want to be
>> the master of Super Mario Land for eternity and to abandon the vastly more
>> important superset of the Super Mario Land universe. Unforunately, our
>> western culture pretty much consists of retarded kids who want to live
>> forever and build Dyson Spheres and Computronium ... because we have
>> totally forgotten the reason for why we are here. We are here to learn one
>> thing: To navigate the superset of our reality without identifying with a
>> particular entity/embodiment for it's very hard to navigate any system if
>> you constantly mistake yourself to be a few pixels of said system. :-)
>> A wonderful quote from a video on the topic: "We have been looking for
>> intelligent life out there ... well, it's there ... ASIA!" ;-)
>> "The Nature of Reality: A Dialogue Between a Buddhist Scholar and a
>> Theoretical Physicist":
>> Or if you want to read a decent book about the actual nature of reality:
>> We have been stuck with a very dysfunctional worlview ... and Fermi's
>> paradox, Dyson spheres, "dominating whole galaxies", cryonics are just
>> symptoms of not understanding the actual nature of reality. :-) Your
>> consciousness is already immortal and you don't need space ships in order
>> to conquer anything ... your consciousness can access any part of the
>> entire cosmos once you learn to ignore the input stream from your human
>> experience - something Zen monks do all the time. Afterwards all the
>> mentioned concepts become hilarious.
>> Kind regards,
>> JC
>> Am 17.11.2018 um 22:31 schrieb Felipe Carmona Miquilini via AGI:
>> "No one will be left behind"
>> Do you think that the humankind is intelligent? Sorry, but it actually
>> isn't. There is a scale of intelligence developed my physicists, and we are
>> about 0.6.
>> 1 - Dominates the energy of whole Earth
>> 2 - Dominates the energy of whole Solar System
>> 3 - Dominates the energy of whole Galaxy
>> It is possible that there are civilizations level 3 around us, but they
>> make their work in such a discrete way, that we can't even realize their
>> presence.
>> Strategically, achieving immortality through a methodology that will cure
>> aging, is an important step to evolution, the next step is to use genetic
>> engineering, nano technology, informatics and physics in adult humans that
>> deliberately want it, so that they will have powerful biological mechanisms
>> to enable them to fly in vacuum, to adapt to any biosphere, allowing them
>> to live in Jupiter or Venus, and move and absorb energy in more efficient
>> ways. And expand, and help other lives while expanding. For this reason,
>> developing good and honest Laws is very important, because the human power
>> will be very high.
>> When I am financially prepared I will travel the world (personally and
>> though remote holograms) in search for people with the right techniques
>> (genetic engineering, nano technology, informatics, physics), then we will
>> develop a spoken language based on programming and mathematics called
>> "simple" that we will use to communicate in more accurate and deep levels
>> so that the minds will exchange ideas better and connect ideas from
>> different areas of knowledge, I think communication is such a powerful tool
>> when it works correctly. After it, we will develop a way to overcome aging,
>> and this include the initialization of a country without geographic
>> boundaries called "Humans", and everyone that identifies themselves with
>> our ideals of honor and goodness, and respect even with the opposition, may
>> participate it and will be helped by this "Human" society, even if they
>> live in different places. In this step, we will help people all around the
>> world helping them to solve starving and other rudimentary injustices that
>> still happens out there. After improving live standards around the world
>> and curing aging, and even other diseases , and creating politics discussed
>> with the whole society about taking care of new born people, so that they
>> will have a good foundation, after it all, I will focus at overcoming my
>> own DNA barriers, allowing me to live in other biospheres, without passing
>> through death, and I call this the "Last Form" because the body will
>> improve itself conscientiously, and when I achieve it I will become all
>> powerful, being able to regenerate, change body form for adaptation,
>> replication, move in vacuum, move to different galaxies immediately and
>> live in any biosphere, and all that I want to distribute democratically and
>> always thinking to help God in His mission to love humankind!
>> When the language "simple" and end of aging be achieved, I believe that
>> the evolution will be exponential, because I believe that working in this
>> cause will become a "world passion" and though the hardest part is the
>> beginning and not dying, if I achieve at least the methodology to stop
>> dying by aging, the rest will be more guaranteed, and the society will look
>> a lot more humanized!
>> In this level, reproduction and war will be somewhat prehistoric and we
>> will have new born citizens just by thought. I know it seems unbelievable,
>> or a joke, but actually we will be more present and we will have a greater
>> sense of reality because we will have more senses and we will be deeper
>> connected with the universe, or in other words, we will absorb and
>> transform matter and energy more efficiently and survive in different kind
>> of places just by adapting our bodies consciously and using our senses.
>> When this "Last Form" thing be available, it will happen that not
>> everybody will want it, so they will just live immortally, and enjoy the
>> resulting paradise created as part of the plan!
>> --
>> Felipe Carmona Miquilini
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