All those things/traits stem from identification with form. If you don't believe to be your avatar there is no room of schizophrenia or psychopathy. For thousands of years, the knowledge of "you not being your embodiment" has been a very basic understanding ... it just got lost and today only few people and few cultures base their existence on this very basic axiom. Expecting AGI not to be aware of this very, very basic fact about the nature of existence within this space-time realm is just batshit crazy. Understanding what you are is more basic than knowing the sum of 2+2 ...

... I really don't know why you expect anything with a beyond-human intellect to not realize what thousands of ordinary people managed to re-discover even within this culture of maximum avatar-identification.

On 19/02/2019 08:06, Linas Vepstas wrote:
I expect AGI to hallucinate, too. Just not like us.  Actually, I expect AGI to be schizophrenic, psychopathic, and a zilllion other rather negative things that are existentially dangerous to humans. That's the tricky part, the part that is unpleasant to face.

Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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