Everything you say applies to _any_ approach to climate science except for
one,  AIT, about which you are obviously and egregiously mistaken in this

The whole point of AIT is the idea that you don't _need_ out-of-sample data
to do causal inference.  Indeed, this is the reason I am so adamant about
pursuing AIT:

The powers that be, by violating consent of the human subjects upon which
the perform social experiements, aren't even permitting control groups with
which to infer causality.  We can ignore for the moment the ethical
implications of applying social policies that haven't gone through safety
and efficacy trials at small scale, and think simply about the _scientific_
consequences of disallowing experimental controls implicit in uniform law
across multiple jurisdictions.  These controls are the _only_ way to get
"out-of-sample data" on human ecologies.

What I'm trying to adapt to is the supremacist de facto theocracy's
inability to permit anyone to escape from its experiments which could
supply "out-of-sample data".

Why do I bother?  I mean, it is quite clear that the outcome of the modern
equivalent of a Thirty Years War will be killing off the fanatics following
the supremacist de facto theocracy in far greater numbers than the de facto
protestant forces.  Why don't I just sit back and watch with glee from my
rural backwoods acreage growing chlorella with my posse of war veterans
some of whom were MIT grads?

Because I care about people.

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