AGI is an "artificial" human brain and body. The reason we want to make AGI is 
not because we want a billion AGIs to work together (we already have 1 billion 
human AGIs, on Earth, us), it's because it is so easy to make AGI into ASI 
immediately afterwards, by giving the AGIs better intelligence, more data, 
sensors, motors, short term memory, speed in thinking/moving, etc. Now we get a 
billion ASIs, that will work together. Not only will they individually get more 
done way faster, but also be able to connect better with peer ASIs as a team 
more than we can.

If you mean creating AGI or ASI or a billion ASIs is as costly as getting 
humans to work together better so may as well forget AGI, I strongly disagree, 
we nearly have made AGI now, and making AGI into ASI is easy too (from mainly 
neural speed up, and intelligence improvement, among many other smaller things 
like higher resolution cameras), and making ASI into 1 billion ASIs is also 
easy all we do is clone the same trained brain and then differentiate it so the 
many me selves work on things in parallel the original self wanted to do, it 
won't cost that much storage or compute to run them all in parallel we have 
enough computers on Earth to do them all, just look at how small the code and 
memory and compute (after training) was for something like DALL-E or GPT-2, and 
clearly their training can be made much more efficient with proper AGI. These 
ASIs that do wonders like ex. DALL-E and GPT-2 and JUKEBOX, which are nearly 
here, we are so close to ASIs, don't need so many bodies at first. They will 
run faster sensors motor and brains but the brains will be faster not only in 
their actions in their imaginations but also the fact that they can safely 
think of complex or expensive scenes, do anything, change tools, skip time, 
etc, it's way faster to think than to do real experiments, all you need is 
enough data to not need to look outside the box, I already can generate likely 
true paths in my brain without trying any code (I rarely code).

That's why I said your AGI Matt is not AGI but rather a way to get 
_human_AGIs_* *to _better work together_. That's good but it's not AGI and it 
won't give us ASIs working together either which would be way way so faster 
than us solving Human Death.
Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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