By "understanding" do you mean learning a model that can make predictions,
or do you also mean the positive reinforcement that accompanies learning
when your brain does it?

On Tue, Sep 7, 2021, 7:01 PM Mike Archbold <> wrote:

> It's common to hear claims in AI -- particularly by marketing types
> and other evangelists -- that their AI/robotics based technology
> "understands." They want to persuade. But what does a claim of
> "understanding" actually mean beyond the smoke screen of sales
> rhetoric?
> The problem is a tacit claim is often being made that the machine's
> understanding is equivalent to human understanding -- at least in some
> narrow task. That's what they want you to assume. But in what form is
> the understanding? How deep? Does it mean that novel cases can be
> understood and thus explained? At what point does the machine's
> understanding fail? It seems that "understanding" definitions are
> crucial: the boundaries of the machine's functionality appear to be
> the boundaries of its understanding.
> The user is invariably left to draw his/her own conclusions about the
> extent to which the machine's understanding resembles human
> understanding -- which is itself difficult to define.
> Since this issue is at the very core of artificial general
> intelligence, a two-part series is planned.
> For this event, Part I, we will be making an informal survey of the
> topic with this agenda:
> 1) Philippe Delmeire has prepared some brief materials (short videos,
> images, text) to get us attuned to the topic.
> 2) Mike Archbold (organizer) has prepared a community survey of
> definitions of understanding, particularly with respect to how a
> machine should understand. We will critique the definitions. Jim
> Bromer is working on highlights of the definitions. The current
> version of the survey draft can be found here ->

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