The AGI-22 non-meeting in Seattle will briefly be the world non-center of
industrial espionage. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the ne plus
ultra and the sine qua non of the Technological Singularity. Everybody who
is anybody in Disruptive Technologies, in Future Studies, in World Economic
Forensics, will be virtually there above or sub rosa to guide and beguile
human race into its Omega Point of the Chardinesque Phenomenon of Mankind.

Remember the movement to Occupy Wall Street? To take the stock market away
from the 1% and give it to the other 99%? Occupy Wall Street made a big
splash in physical reality. Occupy AGI-22 will only make sound waves in
virtual reality, because there is no actual physical AGI-22, not in
Seattle, and so it might as well be described as happening in such venues

* The Dark Side of the Moon;

* Bedlam Hospital;

* The Love Boat adrift on the ocean;

* Studio 54;

* Alpha Centauri;

* The Cuckoo's Nest;

* Stalag 17;

* Disney World; and the list goes on.

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Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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