From: Matt Mahoney <>
Sent: Wednesday, 27 September 2023 17:41
To: AGI <>
Subject: Re: [agi] How AI will kill us

On Wed, Sep 27, 2023, 11:02 AM John Rose 
<<>> wrote:
On Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 11:53 PM, Quan Tesla wrote:
Incredible. We won't believe hard science, but we'll believe almost everything 
else. This is "The Truman Show" all over again.

Orch-OR is macro level human brain centric consciousness theory though it may 
apply to animals, not sure...  No one here is disbelieving hard science.

Orch-OR is the ridiculous theory about quantum consciousness by Penrose and 
Hamerhoff. Penrose is convinced that consciousness is not computable. So like 
many scientists, they looks for evidence that supports their theories instead 
of evidence that refutes them. They found that protein molecules in 
microtubules in neurons exist in a superposition of states (like all molecules 
do). Consciousness solved!

It would help if they bothered to define consciousness. Unfortunately we use 
the same word to mean 3 different things.

1. Medical consciousness. The mental state of being awake and able to form 
memories. The opposite of unconsciousness.

2. Ethical consciousness. The property of higher animals that makes it 
unethical to inflict pain or to harm or kill them.

3. Phenomenal consciousness. The undefinable property that makes humans 
different from zombies, where a zombie is exactly like a human by any 
behavioral test. The thing that various religions claim goes to heaven when you 
die. The little person in your head. Awareness of your own awareness. What 
thinking feels like.

So without defining what they mean by consciousness, they make the obvious 
conclusion. Consciousness is mysterious. Quantum mechanics is mysterious. 
Therefore consciousness is quantum.

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