Quantum collapse is wrong but still a useful approximation because the
correct alternative (Everett's many worlds) is not physically computable.
The Copenhagen interpretation does not explain entanglement or quantum
computing, and leads to obvious contradictions like Schrödinger's cat. The
actual state of a system is a deterministic, time reversible, second order
differential equation relating mass, energy, and momentum whose solution is
that observers within the system observe particles. By Wolpert's law, the
observer cannot model the system containing it, so the observations appear
probabilistic. Remember that probability is a number we assign to a belief,
not a measure of the state of the world.

An observer is not conscious. It is simply any device with memory. Writing
to memory is a time irrreversible operation performed with time reversible

How is this possible? Time flows towards higher entropy, but entropy is
probability and probability is a measure of belief by an observer. Entropy
is how many bits an observer would need to describe a system beyond what it
already knows. When an observer makes a computation that overwrites a bit
of memory, it loses knowledge of its environment, increasing entropy. But
the system is deterministic with zero entropy relative to the universe.
Particles and the arrow of time are illusions of physics, and like distance
and time in general relativity, are different for each observer.

Like consciousness is an illusion of evolution.

On Thu, Sep 28, 2023, 11:21 AM EdFromNH <ewpor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The panpsychic awareness of which consciousness is woven is most probably
> the awareness of information inherent in the computation of the laws of
> physics, as they are computed in our conscious brains.  The equations of
> physics cannot compute without awareness of their variable values. There is
> virtually nothing about consciousness that is other than awareness of
> information, including the amazing qualities of that awareness.  A major
> problem in explaining consciousness is trying to define what is to be
> explained about the qualities of consciousness.  The word "explanandum"
> means that which is to be explained, as most of you probably already know.
> Regarding consciousness, we are explanandum dumb.  To the extent we can
> explain what is to be explained, the computational awareness theory,
> described above, in conjunction with rapidly advancing neuroscience can
> make substantial plausible explanations as detailed as most of that
> explanandum.
> I am far from convinced about much of the detail in the Penrose-Hameroff
> description of  Orch-OR.  But it is reasonable to suggest that quantum
> collapse plays an important role in all or much of the awareness of
> information inherent in the computation of the laws of physics, and that
> the content and structure of the resulting informational awareness of
> consciousness is orchestrated by the architecture and functioning of the
> brain.  This supports the basic broad concept of "orchestrated objective
> reduction".
> On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 3:41 PM John Rose <johnr...@polyplexic.com> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at 12:13 PM, Matt Mahoney wrote:
>> If you are going to define consciousness as intelligence, then you need
>> to define intelligence. We have two widely accepted definitions applicable
>> to computers.
>> It’s not difficult. Entertain a panpsychist model of consciousness. What
>> is the physical property in the universe that can be defined as
>> consciousness where it’s presence would be existent in everything? Whatever
>> that is, it would be present when implementing any intelligence model. It
>> might explain many existing theories of consciousness since this one would
>> need to have relatively low complexity. It should have a strict
>> mathematical and physical definition where it simplifies many of these
>> issues... and perhaps adds understanding to various models of intelligence.
>> I'm sure there are a number of candidates that may fit this criteria
>> including perhaps pieces of Orch-OR.
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