> I would rather have a recommendation algorithm that can predict what I
> would like without having to watch. A better algorithm would be one that
> actually watches and rates the movie. Even better would be an algorithm
> that searches the space of possible movies to generate one that it predicts
> I would like. Same with music. I won't live long enough to listen to all
> 100 million songs available online.
> Just because I know that free will is an illusion doesn't make the
> illusion go away. The internally generated positive reinforcement signal
> that I get after any action gives me a reason to live and not lose that
> signal.
> Unfortunately, the illusion is also why pain causes suffering, rather just
> being a signal like a dashboard warning light. What other explanation would
> there be for why you pull your hand out of a fire?

Don't be too religious about existence or non-existence of free will then,
yet. You're most likely right, but it may also be a quantum state!

In the meantime, how can we manipulate the shitheads of the world to do the
right things?

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