> It should also be pointed out that we are describing a state of
> AI such that:
> a)  it provides no conceivable benefit to humanity

Not necessarily true: it's plausible that along the way, before learning how
to whack off by stimulating its own reward button, it could provide some
benefits to humanity.

> b)  a straightforward extrapolation shows it wiping out humanity
> c)  it requires the postulation of a specific unsupported complex miracle
> to prevent the AI from wiping out humanity
> c1) these miracles are unstable when subjected to further examination

I'm not so sure about this, but it's not worth arguing, really.

> c2) the AI still provides no benefit to humanity even given the miracle
> When a branch of an AI extrapolation ends in such a scenario it may
> legitimately be labeled a complete failure.

I'll classify it an almost-complete failure, sure ;)

Fortunately it's also a totally pragmatically implausible system to
construct, so there's not much to worry about...!

-- Ben

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