In Novamente, we use entities called "indefinite probabilities", which are described in a paper to appear in the AGIRI Workshop Proceedings later this year...

Roughly speaking an indefinite probability is a quadruple (L,U,b,N) with interpretation

"The probability is b that after I make N more observations, my estimated mean for the probability distribution attached to statement S will be in the interval (L,U)"

So, these are probability intervals, but with a different semantics than Walley's imprecise probabilities or Keyne's probability intervals.

We have computational algorithms for propagating these indefinite probabilities through logical inferences.

-- Ben

On Feb 2, 2007, at 9:37 PM, gts wrote:

On Fri, 02 Feb 2007 15:57:24 -0500, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Interpretation-wise, Cox followed Keynes pretty closely. Keynes had his own eccentric view of probability...

Although I don't yet know much about Cox, (Amazon is shipping his book to me), I have studied a bit about Keynes and yes, eccentric is my view an understatement!

I assume you are familiar with F.P. Ramsey? (If not, he was one of the founders/discoverers of the subjective theory along with de Finneti, but separately.) I read Ramsey's classic paper "Truth and Probability" and found his arguments very convincing, including his criticisms of Keynes. For example:

"But let us now return to a more fundamental criticism of Mr Keynes' views, which is the obvious one that there really do not seem to be any such things as the probability relations he describes. He supposes that, at any rate in certain cases, they can be perceived; but speaking for myself I feel confident that this is not true. I do not perceive them, and if I am to be persuaded that they exist it must be by argument; moreover I shrewdly suspect that others do not perceive them either, because they are able to come to so very little agreement as to which of them relates any two given propositions." [1]

I agree with Ramsey that Keynes' supposed probability relations do not seem to exist and that in any case they cannot be perceived in the way Keynes claimed. I echo Ramsey here in saying, "I do not perceive them, and if I am to be persuaded that they exist it must be by argument."

I suspect that if Ramsey were alive today, he would shudder at the thought of programming Keynesian-like probability relations in AGI. Are you attempting something like this in Novamente? (Please forgive my ignorance of your Novamente project. I'm still learning about it.)


1. Truth and Probability by Frank P. Ramsey

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