>It would be interesting to see what basic interests and views the members of
>this list hold.  For a few people, published works answer this pretty
>clearly but that's not true for most list members.


I'm a software and information guy.  I've lived, eaten, and breathed software 
and information.  In my late teens (early eighties) I realized that math is 
where the answers are at for certain high end software (though I'm really not 
that good at math :).  What I usually do is work for a couple years, typically 
contracting myself out on doing computer telephony systems and applications, 
save money, then write my own software for as long as I can afford.  I did 
recently do a 5 1/2 year stint in CTI/VOIP R&D while starting a family.  I also 
have pursued compression algorithms in the past but those have tended to turn 
me into an isolated and unstable individual :)  I'm 2 weeks away from going 
full time on my 3rd prototype in the 3rd different language (this time C# with 
c++) of a human/computer interactive intelligent hunter/gatherer information 
agent that I've been at on and off since 2001.  As I write this email I'm 
building a Speech Recognition/TTS IVR for a pharmaceutical company... just 
rolling it live.

I consider myself an entry level AGI’er but have been following along (lurking) 
for at least 10 years.  I feel strongly that many of the answers in AGI design 
lie in group theory and category theory in addition to the usual statistics, 
graphs, and basic AI; as well as in the engineering problems with languages, 
OS, hardware, network, etc..  In addition to the economic prospects of AGI I 
think there are the more serious human issues related and the people that come 
up with the first AGI’s can fix and prevent a lot of problems in the world.


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