Has this approach been successful for any "lesser" animals? E.g.; has anyone 
simulated an insect brain system connected to a simulated insect body in a 
virtual environment? Starting with a mouse brain seems a bit ambitious.

Since I haven't posted on the list before I guess I should introduce myself: 
I'm Jan Mattsson in Stockholm, Sweden. A software developer by profession, I 
first became interested in AI when I read "Gödel Escher Bach - an Eternal 
Golden Braid" many years ago (actually switched from physics to computer 
science because of it). More recently I read Kurzweil's "The Singularity is 
near", that brought me here.


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: J. Storrs Hall, PhD. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Skickat: lö 2007-04-28 19:15
Till: agi@v2.listbox.com
Ämne: [agi] mouse uploading
In case anyone is interested, some folks at IBM Almaden have run a 
one-hemisphere mouse-brain simulation at the neuron level on a Blue Gene (in 
0.1 real time):

http://www.modha.org/papers/rj10404.pdf which reads in gist:

Neurobiologically realistic, large-scale cortical and sub-cortical simulations 
are bound to play a key role in computational neuroscience and its 
applications to cognitive computing. One hemisphere of the mouse cortex has 
roughly 8,000,000 neurons and 8,000 synapses per neuron. Modeling at this 
scale imposes tremendous constraints on computation, communication, and 
memory capacity of any computing platform. 
 We have designed and implemented a massively parallel cortical simulator with 
(a) phenomenological spiking neuron models; (b) spike-timing dependent 
plasticity; and (c) axonal delays.  
 We deployed the simulator on a 4096-processor BlueGene/L supercomputer with 
256 MB per CPU. We were able to represent 8,000,000 neurons (80% excitatory) 
and 6,300 synapses per neuron in the 1 TB main memory of the system. Using a 
synthetic pattern of neuronal interconnections, at a 1 ms resolution and an 
average firing rate of 1 Hz, we were able to run 1s of model time in 10s of 
real time!


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