On 9/30/07, Don Detrich - PoolDraw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oops, I thought we were having fun, but it looks like I have offended
> somebody, again. I plead guilty for being somewhat off the purely technical
> discussion topic, but I thought "Edward W. Porter" and I were having a
> pretty interesting discussion.

I'm not accusing you of malicious intent, mind you; in fairness you
probably weren't around for the earlier discussions of this topic on
other lists.

> However it seems my primary transgression is
> focusing on AGI as a business opportunity rather than a coming apocalypse.

Well as far as I'm concerned the latter is the problem, but I've no
objection to both being ruled off topic.

Make no mistake, the irrational and destructive hysteria surrounding
discussion of the "Singularity" is the real existential risk. The
window of opportunity we currently have won't stay open forever, and
if we spend our energy poisoning ourselves with paranoid fantasy
instead of actually making progress, we reduce the probability that H.
sapiens will ultimately amount to anything but an unusual trace in the
fossil record.

However, it's a familiar fact about human psychology that the usual
mechanisms for limiting the length of an argument don't operate when
the argument is online and the topic is religion or politics - and
this one is both. If I started arguing with every post on this matter,
the list would be permanently flooded with the resulting infinite loop
- well past the point where anyone was saying anything new - thus
destroying its usefulness for technical discussion. (I will also
remind everyone that for every one person who voices a complaint as I
am, many will quietly leave without saying anything; and the most
useful contributors, whose time is the most scarce and valuable, are
the most likely to do the latter.)

There are plenty of mailing lists where the typical subject of
discussion is "how do you create a button in Javascript?" and there
are also plenty where "what I'm going to do when I become a god" is on
topic. Lists for high-level technical content, however, are in
distinctly short supply. I think it's worth preserving this as one.

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