Hi Matt, Wonderful idea, now it will even show the typical human trait of 
lying...when i ask it "do you still love me?" most answers in its database will 
have Yes as an answer  but when i ask it 'what's my name?' it'll call me John?

However, your approach is actually already being implemented to a certain 
extent. Apparantly (was it newsweek, time?) the No 1 search engine in 
(Singapore? Hong Kong? Taiwan? - sorry I forgot) is *not* Google but a local 
language Q&A system that works very much the way you envisage it (except it 
collects the answers in its own SAN i.e. not distributed over the user machines)

>>>> On 2007/12/07 at 18:58, in message
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Matt Mahoney
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Matt
> You call it an AGI proposal but it is described as a distributed search
> algorithms that (merely) appears intelligent i.e. "design for an
> Internet-wide message posting and search service". There doesn't appear to
> be any grounding or semantic interpretation by the AI system? How will it
> become more intelligent?

Turing was careful to make no distinction between "being intelligent" and
"appearing intelligent".  The requirement for passing the Turing test is to be
able to compute a probability distribution P over text strings that varies
from the true distribution no more than it varies between different people. 
Once you can do this, then given a question Q, you can compute answer A that
maximizes P(A|Q) = P(QA)/P(Q).

This does not require grounding.  The way my system appears intelligent is by
directing Q to the right experts, and by being big enough to have experts on
nearly every conceivable topic of interest to humans.

A lot of AGI research seems to be focused on how to represent knowledge and
thought efficiently on a (much too small) computer, rather than on what
services the AGI should provide for us.


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