All of these "rules" have exception or implicit condition. If you
treat them as "default rules", you run into multiple extension
problem, which has no domain-independent solution in binary logic ---
read for


On Feb 17, 2008 10:04 PM, YKY (Yan King Yin)
> Yesterday I didn't give a clear explanation of what I mean by "rules", so
> here is a better try:
> 1.  If I see a turkey inside the microwave, I immediately draw the
> conclusion that it's NOT empty.
> 2.  However, if I see some katchup on the inside walls of the microwave, I'd
> say it's dirty but it's empty.
> 3.  If I see the rotating plate inside the microwave, I'd still say it's
> empty 'cause the plate is part of the microwave.
> etc etc
> So the AGI may have a rule that sounds like:
>     "if X is an object inside the microwave, and X satisfies some criteria,
> then the microwave is NOT empty."
> But it would be a very dumb AGI if it has this rule specifically for
> microwave ovens, and then some other rules for washing machines, bottles,
> book shelves, and other containers.  It would be necessary for the AGI to
> have a general rule for emptiness for all containers.  So I'd say a washing
> machine with a sock inside is not empty, but if it's just some lint then
> it's empty.
> Such a general rule for emptiness is certainly not available on the net, at
> least not explicitly expressed.  One solution is to manually encode them
> (perhaps with some machine assistance), which is the approach of Cyc.
> Another solution is to induce them from existing texts on the web -- Ben's
> suggestion.
> If given a large enough corpus and a long enough learning period, Ben's
> solution may work.  The key issue is how to speed up the inductive learning
> of rules.
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