On 2/18/08, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe I offered the beginning of a v. useful way to conceive of this
> whole area in an earlier post.
> The key concept is "inventory of the world."
> First of all, what is actually being talked about here is only a
> One of the grand illusions of a literature culture is that words/symbols
> refer to everything. The reality is that we have a v. limited verbal
> inventory of the world. Words do not describe most parts of your body, for
> example, only certain key divisions. Check over your hand for a start and
> see how many bits you can name - minute bit by bit.  When it comes to the
> movements of objects, our vocabulary is breathtakingly limited.
> In fact, our verbal/symbolic inventory of the world (as provided for by
> existing cultural vocabulary - for all its millions of words) is, I
> only a tiny fraction of our COMMON SENSE KB/ inventory of the world - i.e.
> that knowledge we hold purely in sensory image form - and indeed in
> common-sense form (since as Tye points out, we never actually
> experience/operate one sense in isolation - even though we have the
> intellectual illusion that we do).
> When we learn to respect the extent of our true common sense knowledge of
> the world as distinct from our formal, verbal knowledge of the world, we
> will realise another major reason why CYC like projects are doomed. They
> have nothing to do with common sense. Of course they will never be able to
> work out, pace Minsky, whether you can whistle and eat at the same time,
> whether you can push or pull an object with a string. This is true common
> sense knowledge.

I can give labels to every tiny sub-section of my hand, thus increasing the
"resolution" of the symbolic description.  If I give labels to each
very small visual features of my hand, then the distinction between visual
representation and symbolic representation disappears.  Therefore, I think
symbolic KBs like Cyc's is not doomed -- the symbolic KB can merge with
perceptual grounding in a "continuum" fashion.


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