On 18/02/2008, YKY (Yan King Yin) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, the idea is to ask lots of people to contribute to the KB, and pay
> them with virtual credits.  (I expect such people to have a little knowledge
> in logic or Prolog, so they can enter complex rules.  Also, they can be
> assisted by inductive learning algorithms.)  The income of the KB will be
> given back to them.  I'll take a bit of administrative fees =)

In principle this sounds ok, but this is almost exactly the same as the
Mindpixel business model.  Once an element of payment is involved (usually
with some kind of shares in future profits) participants tend to expect that
they're going to be able to realise that value within a relatively short
time, like a few years.  Inevitably when expectations aren't met things get

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