--- William Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm going to try and elucidate my approach to building an intelligent
> system, in a round about fashion. This is the problem I am trying to
> solve.
> Imagine you are designing a computer system to solve an unknown
> problem, and you have these constraints
> A) Limited space to put general information about the world
> B) Communication with the system after it has been deployed. The less
> the better.
> C) We shall also assume limited processing ability etc
> The goal is to create a system that can solve the tasks as quickly as
> possible with the least interference from the outside.
> I'd like people to write a brief sketch of your solution to this sort
> of problem down. Is it different from your AGI designs, if so why?

The general problem is not computable, like AIXI or compression.  So I have to
make a guess as to what unknown problems the AGI would be asked to solve.  My
guess would be problems that have economic value.  So I would look at the kind
of tasks that people are being paid to solve, and design the AGI to solve the
same kind of problems.  I would tell the AGI what I want it to accomplish, and
it would research the internet to find a good solution.

To do that the AGI will first need natural language capability, followed by
vision, hearing, and mobility depending on the range of tasks.  It will need
vastly more computing power than the average PC in any case.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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