On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 1:46 AM, Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think this one is a package deal fallacy. I can't see how whether
>  > humans conspire to weed out wild carrots or not will affect decisions
>  > made by future AGI overlords. ;-)
>  Whether humans conspire to weed out wild carrots impacts whether humans are
>  classified as Friendly (or, it would if the wild carrots were sentient).

Why does it matter what word we/they assign to this situation?

>  It is in the future AGI overlords "enlightened self-interest" to be
>  Friendly -- so I'm going to assume that they will be.

It doesn't follow. If you think it's clearly the case, explain
decision process that leads to choosing 'friendliness'. So far it is
self-referential: if dominant structure always adopts the same
friendliness when its predecessor was friendly, then it will be safe
when taken over. But if dominant structure turns unfriendly, it can
clear the ground and redefine friendliness in its own image. What does
it leave you?

Vladimir Nesov

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