On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 8:47 PM, Jim Bromer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do not know much about neural networks, but from  what I read, I always
> felt that a recurrent network would be the only way you could feasibly get
> an ANN to represent (excuse my french) distinct items without absurdly huge
> and noisy expansions. So I am curious about what you are talking about.
> When you mention prototyping, you are talking about prototyping the neural
> network with high level concepts for easier demonstrations or something like
> that.  I think there was some discussion about using 'labels' in neural
> networks on one of those links to an online video that were recently posted.
> Is this similar to what you mean by prototyping?

For now objective is to try to achieve basic high-level dynamics that
this architecture was designed to implement, and thus to partially
establish consistence of many-faceted high-level design with simple
network implementation. If this stage succeeds, after a bit of
scalability implementation it should be possible to start teaching it
more impressive high-level feats.

Vladimir Nesov

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