On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 11:30 PM, Jim Bromer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am saying that the method of recognizing and defining the effect of ideas
> on other ideas would not, by itself, make it all work, but rather it would
> help us to better understand how to better automate the kind of extensive
> complications of effect that would be necessary.

It's interesting, but first the structure of 'ideas' needs to be
described, otherwise it doesn't help.

> As any program becomes more and more complicated, the programmer has to
> think more and more about how various combinations of data and processes
> will interact.  Why would anyone think that an advanced AI program would be
> any simpler?
> Ideas affect other ideas.  Heuristics that can act on other heuristics is a
> basis of this kind of thing, but it has to be much more complicated than
> that.  So while I don't have the answers, I can begin to think of hand
> crafting a model where such a thing could be examined, by recognizing that
> the application of ideas to other ideas will have complicated effects that
> need to be defined.  The more automated AI program would have to use some
> systems to shape these complicated interactions, but the effect of those
> heuristics would be modifiable by other learning (to some extent.)

Modularity fights this problem in programming, helping to keep track
of *code*. But this code is built on top of existing models of
program's behavior existing in programmers' minds. Programmers
manually determine applicability of code. It's often possible to solve
a wide variety of problems with existing codebase, but programmer is
needed to contextually match and assemble pathways that solve any
given problem. We don't currently have practically applicable methods
to extend the context in which code can be applied, and to build on
these extended contexts.

I think that one of the most important features of AGI system must be
automated extensibility. It should be possible to teach it new things
without breaking it. It should be able to correct its performance to
preserve previously learned skills, so that teaching needs only to
focus on few high-level performance properties, regardless on how much
is already learned.

Vladimir Nesov

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