On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 4:17 PM, Steve Richfield
> > You've merely been a *TROLL* and gotten the appropriate response.  Thanks
> for playing but we have no parting gifts for you.
> Who is the "we" you are referencing? Do you have a mouse in your pocket, or
> is that the Royal "we"?  YOU are the only snide asshole/troll whom I have
> had the displeasure of observing on this forum. Can you point to anyone ELSE
> here who acts as you do?

I don't want to participate in calling anyone a Troll.  What I have
observed of Matt's online presence, he was giving you an opportunity
to disprove the Troll status rather than transparently ignoring you.
I'm guessing he'll simply give up soon.

I have little interest in downloading your software and tables and
arcane howto for making it all work.  In my opinion, you really can't
call your product AGI until I can converse with it directly - either
via it's own email address or (for a 'real-time' Turing test) an IRC

How difficult would it be for you to extend the Dr Eliza interface
with an IRC bot frontend?

If it is as accurate as you claim, it might help a lot more people by
dispensing "see a REAL doctor to get X checked out" than as ... well,
whatever it is now.

Even with an accuracy rate that exceeds "average" doctors, I'll be as
likely to dismiss it as I would dismiss a real doctor - but the
machine doesn't need to play golf or drive expensive cars so it can
devote the time that people can't (or won't).  [I had a doctor say,
"Your iron level is too low, eat more red meat." followed immediately
with, "Your cholesterol is too high, eat less red meat."  I was
thinking, "Your diagnosis is unusable, I want my co-pay back" ]

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